Very quite unexpectedly appearance of me as 'Silencebound' which I was never told nor being consulted to have my picturesque image to appear in this Triddlers category. I didn't awared that they thinks that I am a famous Griddlers solver of this wonderful Griddlers franchise. I was bit kinda embarrassed at this but uplifting my heart to that author. Based on that wonderful graphic illustration, although I am art critic to analyse and wrote commentary at many Griddlers' solved puzzles for the quality appearance but I am unable to give my comment at this Triddlers masterpiece. Note :- That 'pointed finger' is my right THUMB up only to expressing the Aussie way of 'G'Day' gesture, not middle finger. The profile photo of me similar to above was deleted by me last week and now changed into a new updated photo of me playing Griddlers on the computer. My thankful of huge gratitude are due to wonderful author Ana Lili.
Posted on 12/10/12 2:24 PM

Hi silencebound. Griddlers team decided to remove the finger emoticon are you still solving triddlers? I might have a surprise for you, with the profile picture you are currently using.
Posted on 9/23/19 9:06 AM as reply to silencebound