Griddlers Knihy

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 18
Pages:50Puzzles: 40
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ID | Popis | Autor | Datum | velikost | Body | vyřešeno |
2462 | Boy | Misty | 29.11.02 | 50x50x2 f | 407 166 | |
3462 | Tobacco | JardaV | 7.3.03 | 35x50x2 f | 70 778 | |
3854 | Scorpio | oren | 19.4.03 | 50x46x2 f | 66 714 | |
4722 | Bunny Love | TNT | 23.5.03 | 30x50x2 f | 1 271 564 | |
5836 | Paper-Hanger | Misty | 31.8.03 | 50x45x2 f | 277 171 | |
10248 | Strange Animal | janndvorakk | 25.5.04 | 30x45x2 f | 49 350 | |
11525 | Impossible Situation | AUTENTICARSE | 28.7.04 | 50x50x2 f | 1 905 854 | |
14941 | Shark | elimaor | 14.12.04 | 50x50x2 f | 1 181 928 | |
22175 | Friday, The 13th | elimaor | 13.5.05 | 50x35x2 f | 202 274 | |
27644 | Cartman | twoznia | 6.11.05 | 45x42x2 f | 1 076 079 | |
40422 | Locomotive | mustafademirbas | 3.12.06 | 40x35x2 f | 282 502 | |
40857 | Happy Birthday | anawa74 | 21.12.06 | 50x45x2 f | 1 109 745 | |
42020 | Griddlers | mustafademirbas | 28.1.07 | 40x50x2 f | 271 125 | |
42577 | Dutch Movie-Meter: Horror | marjolein1982 | 12.2.07 | 45x45x2 f | 42 836 | |
42955 | King Kong | xiayu | 20.2.07 | 30x35x2 f | 225 752 | |
43127 | Silas (The Da Vinci Code) | mayanas | 26.2.07 | 50x50x2 f | 38 273 | |
45181 | Nature | mustafademirbas | 29.4.07 | 50x40x2 f | 2 631 936 | |
45950 | George and Thomas | mrozman | 20.5.07 | 50x40x2 f | 410 260 | |
46394 | Policeman | mustafademirbas | 29.5.07 | 45x50x2 f | 91 686 | |
48705 | Polar Bear | Lupos | 30.7.07 | 50x44x2 f | 1 267 348 | |
50204 | Poisonous? | oko | 10.9.07 | 50x50x2 f | 334 569 | |
50835 | Mini Milky Way | oko | 25.9.07 | 46x49x2 f | 706 237 | |
50926 | For Vegetarians | oko | 27.9.07 | 50x35x2 f | 534 769 | |
50927 | Get Your Things Back | oko | 27.9.07 | 50x45x2 f | 412 361 | |
51199 | Would It Fit? | oko | 4.10.07 | 50x40x2 f | 530 060 | |
51611 | Protection | oko | 14.10.07 | 45x50x2 f | 961 360 | |
51946 | Bump in the Road | oko | 21.10.07 | 50x40x2 f | 412 896 | |
52217 | Branches | oko | 25.10.07 | 50x45x2 f | 564 171 | |
53383 | Panda | semdem | 15.11.07 | 35x50x2 f | 62 786 | |
55767 | Albert | tbs | 23.12.07 | 40x50x2 f | 2 026 643 | |
55769 | Maximalism? | Roderish | 23.12.07 | 50x50x2 f | 243 969 | |
56107 | E. Munch: The Scream | xiayu | 30.12.07 | 50x50x2 f | 3 353 558 | |
56114 | Birds | Oskar | 30.12.07 | 50x30x2 f | 109 288 | |
56363 | Dancing | mik54 | 2.1.08 | 42x50x2 f | 2 238 559 | |
56365 | My Sign | memnune | 2.1.08 | 50x47x2 f | 151 898 | |
56415 | Leo | memnune | 3.1.08 | 45x50x2 f | 229 614 | |
56421 | Capricorn | memnune | 3.1.08 | 50x50x2 f | 88 079 | |
56504 | Flower | bepklep | 6.1.08 | 50x50x2 f | 108 090 | |
56608 | Giraffe | anebo | 8.1.08 | 48x50x2 f | 74 155 | |
58500 | Collection | mik54 | 19.2.08 | 50x50x2 f | 5 143 987 |