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Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 13

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ID Popis Autor Datum velikost Body vyřešeno
2594 Exotic Roadrunner cark 13.12.02 20x25x2 t 3 799
3321 Beast tono 17.2.03 30x20x2 f 2 105
3763 Birmingham Southern TNT 16.4.03 40x50x2 f 257 571
6133 Gramophone robynkt9 27.9.03 20x25x2 t 3 590
8050 Lab ido27 28.2.04 35x20x2 f 33 977
8138 Horse 13886 2.3.04 25x25x2 t 3 957
10638 Lock babettk 11.6.04 36x50x2 f 1 423 783
10734 Lighthouse booglemonster 17.6.04 45x50x2 f 32 087
10905 One Escapes Ickey4711 29.6.04 30x40x2 f 49 615
11123 Happier When They are Hanging on the Wall steveo 11.7.04 40x25x2 f 7 716
11735 The Buck Stops Here steveo 10.8.04 30x20x2 f 2 341
17255 Man shulamit1 12.2.05 15x20x2 t 2 151
18768 Camera alibaba 5.3.05 16x21x2 f 908
19009 Tea Pot alibaba 10.3.05 41x50x2 f 24 603
23009 Steel Drum - Tenor Pan on Stand MiuraPen 8.6.05 39x50x2 f 60 736
23972 Sombrero elimaor 11.7.05 35x40x2 f 36 380
23973 Sombrero elimaor 11.7.05 35x40x2 f 156 174
24211 Math Lesson netty 18.7.05 35x23x2 t 8 124
25858 Mouse EastBayRay 17.9.05 16x17x2 t 7 750
28145 Batman twoznia 21.11.05 40x40x2 f 26 150
29464 Cement Mixer chefmomster2 3.1.06 35x42x2 f 27 219
29465 Cement Mixer chefmomster2 3.1.06 34x42x2 f 418 070
29634 Bat hero692ttr 7.1.06 50x10x2 f 1 590
30233 Pear miryan 25.1.06 15x20x2 t 8 330
31348 Welcome to My Home... kissyrich 3.3.06 16x20x2 t 3 142
31824 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star kissyrich 17.3.06 15x20x2 t 5 776
33897 Stallion liadh 27.5.06 45x50x2 f 41 878
37554 Africa arcer 6.9.06 39x44x2 t 13 315
40498 On Your Mark alembic42 5.12.06 45x50x2 f 30 692
41081 Harlequin twoznia 31.12.06 15x45x2 f 50 393
41348 Truck tbs 8.1.07 45x25x2 f 291
41551 Surveying (Map Engineer-Topography) mustafademirbas 14.1.07 40x45x2 f 264 267
43799 Steam Machine beast666 18.3.07 40x25x2 f 68 402
44177 Egyptian aya 29.3.07 15x20x2 f 1 636
46439 Office Chair solo222 30.5.07 15x20x2 f 1 064
46499 Find the Five Differences ik-is-gek 3.6.07 40x50x2 f 75 674
47210 Duck JESlovesIVO 17.6.07 30x15x2 f 2 191
47514 Happy Cat abrek 25.6.07 15x20x2 f 1 396
47845 Crow Java_PL 3.7.07 30x32x2 f 32 752
48217 500 Watt sinancatal 15.7.07 40x50x2 f 387 434
49089 Vendetta ferloft101 12.8.07 42x50x2 f 8 049
50055 Kaboom oko 5.9.07 40x50x2 f 19 525
50177 Dog's Silhouette oko 9.9.07 40x50x2 f 2 922
50360 What's That Smell? oko 13.9.07 40x50x2 f 562 317
50533 Mother karoki5 17.9.07 15x20x2 f 589
50589 If I Had a... oko 19.9.07 40x50x2 f 54 164
50591 Chess oko 19.9.07 40x50x2 f 34 013
50647 Coffee Set DinaGreen 20.9.07 28x18x2 t 11 045
50803 Fatso oko 24.9.07 40x50x2 f 412 190
50899 Monkey solo222 26.9.07 15x20x2 f 338
51458 Stable oko 9.10.07 50x12x2 f 3 232
52226 Champagne oko 25.10.07 17x50x2 f 88 202
57491 Dog with Bone noteasy 27.1.08 16x23x2 t 5 843
58221 Lamp thaly66 13.2.08 17x19x2 t 3 600
62182 Hedgehog knocka 24.4.08 29x18x2 t 12 942
62493 Ant knocka 30.4.08 43x24x2 f 9 492
63478 Baby Bear arcadedweller 21.5.08 13x19x2 f 649
64289 Dinosaur MDE001 6.6.08 30x20x2 f 1 491
64531 Chemistry Class Hikara 11.6.08 35x20x2 f 8 246
65175 Wrong Answer! solo222 23.6.08 15x20x2 f 612
70559 Flying Dragon shaharco 14.10.08 30x40x2 t 98 636
70673 One Way to Create a Sticky Situation arcadedweller 16.10.08 19x48x2 f 229 107
71430 Fry from Futurama hiphop17 5.11.08 30x40x2 f 352 899
71577 Feeding demirors 6.11.08 25x20x2 t 8 423
75478 Alien Service hi19hi19 1.2.09 15x20x2 t 2 502
75572 Nasreddin Hodja vahap 3.2.09 37x40x2 t 32 180
75683 Alien Garage Band hi19hi19 5.2.09 25x15x2 f 10 745
76855 Octi galisand 4.3.09 30x30x2 f 26 056
80825 Edward Scissorhands - Kim (Winona) Glucklich 28.6.09 40x50x2 f 129 731
82555 Cookie Thief Glucklich 9.8.09 50x40x2 f 251 515
84200 Skiing solo222 13.9.09 30x15x2 f 1 875
87450 Dragon solo222 10.12.09 40x20x2 f 17 661
89979 Fist of Fury Jasomslovak 7.2.10 31x36x2 t 58 066
90074 Fish solo222 9.2.10 30x20x2 f 14 848
91257 Plane Mato 8.3.10 38x23x2 f 1 093
92674 007 hi19hi19 12.4.10 45x15x2 f 8 314
94226 Puppy solo222 18.5.10 25x40x2 f 14 939
95727 I'm Looking at You griddlock 28.6.10 50x12x2 f 5 087
96764 Napping in the Orchard yonderpond 25.7.10 25x20x2 t 11 806
100492 Car Comicpainter 3.11.10 35x20x2 f 27 626
101262 Rose Flowers Panko 22.11.10 30x45x2 t 211 045
101344 Wizard stumpy 24.11.10 30x40x2 f 690 949
102364 Flying Bat Silhouette Comicpainter 8.12.10 50x15x2 f 2 047
103897 Kuchiki Rukia ichigo33 12.1.11 27x50x2 t 86 432
105548 Suspicious Liquid Hikara 13.2.11 20x50x2 f 226 266
108309 Silver Museum, Argentina steveo 19.4.11 35x22x2 f 16 745
108904 Do not Cry Over Spilled Milk carm53 4.5.11 25x16x2 t 4 689
108973 Dead Sea Mud Mask carm53 8.5.11 30x39x2 t 83 685
111565 Viewing from Above carm53 11.7.11 25x35x2 t 112 542
113689 Two Tico Toucans (Costa Rican Holiday Snap) smallstuff 4.9.11 30x30x2 f 42 099
113740 Sailing Boat Ragusa55 7.9.11 50x40x2 f 57 071
114534 Happy Asian Style Building Mongolia steveo 9.10.11 38x23x2 f 10 529
115312 Cathedral Smolensk Russia steveo 30.10.11 35x35x2 f 54 454
116957 Alley steveo 11.12.11 25x15x2 f 1 822
117375 Monaco Cathedral steveo 20.12.11 25x40x2 f 28 933
117518 Ostrich on the Run sinL 25.12.11 50x35x2 f 305 526
118227 Jane Eyre, 1983 Movie DinAlymkulova 10.1.12 30x45x2 f 80 612
118604 Donkey hibrahimozer 22.1.12 20x50x2 f 9 759
118610 Bus solo222 22.1.12 40x20x2 f 4 523
119910 Caravan beren2005 19.2.12 48x12x2 f 729
121543 Amos Milburn smallstuff 4.4.12 40x50x2 f 64 975
121639 Dragon fremnia 5.4.12 20x50x2 f 3 127
123041 Skating Afrita 20.5.12 30x40x2 f 33 008
123833 Together We'll Make It! smallstuff 12.6.12 50x50x2 f 221 884
124126 Armenian Church Door Jerusalem steveo 18.6.12 45x50x2 f 260 116
125204 Church Vestvagoy Norway steveo 16.7.12 35x50x2 f 153 366
125669 Portal Trondheim Norway steveo 25.7.12 35x20x2 f 18 441
128253 Karnan Tower Helsingborg Sweden steveo 23.9.12 15x40x2 f 9 735
128804 Mythosaur jenniferlynn8 10.10.12 30x40x2 t 61 562
128916 The Maltings, Louth Rainbow15 15.10.12 50x50x2 f 156 772
129176 Stockton Town Hall Rainbow15 22.10.12 40x50x2 f 469 243
129685 Bookshelf solo222 11.11.12 40x20x2 f 7 675
129722 Elephant nasa17 12.11.12 30x35x2 f 260 762
132349 Getting the Mail nasa17 13.2.13 35x20x2 f 5 959
132586 Here Comes Hannah the H... smallstuff 18.2.13 40x20x2 f 10 532
133316 Bear Dressed Fancily Nicky 5.3.13 15x45x2 f 16 787
133329 Amedeo Modigliani smallstuff 6.3.13 30x40x2 f 79 821
133580 Abandoned Factory, Riachuelo Rainbow15 14.3.13 50x50x2 f 275 257
134065 Flamingo in Black and White Nicky 1.4.13 20x50x2 f 51 705
134217 Funny Giraffe Nicky 7.4.13 20x50x2 f 33 240
134976 Anchor spacemice 14.5.13 32x44x2 t 43 747
135313 Angel Heart Speedtigereye 26.5.13 35x20x2 f 14 323
135982 Solar Energy mareile 13.6.13 30x35x2 f 23 217
137403 Mexican Revolutionary General Pancho Villa smallstuff 14.8.13 50x40x2 f 53 058
137514 Library, Ortigueira, Spain steveo 21.8.13 35x20x2 f 9 437
137516 Lighthouse, Navia, Spain steveo 21.8.13 15x50x2 f 6 765
137768 Paul McCartney popkin 3.9.13 50x45x2 f 220 448
140860 Church Tower, Faro, Portugal steveo 29.1.14 15x45x2 f 9 412
141881 Binoculars Oskar 1.4.14 30x30x2 f 20 412
143174 Bow And Arrow shadows728 18.6.14 15x15x2 t 6 610
145031 20 Sided Dice banane4joy 21.9.14 40x40x2 f 330 248
145757 Mr. Chaplin roodar 23.10.14 45x70x2 f 278 489
12901 Swan goshenmichael 4.10.14 (4+4)x(2+3)x2 69
12903 Yellow Arrow Sliam 4.10.14 (0+7)x(7+5)x2 117
12923 Onion ANA_LILI 12.10.14 (10+32)x(33+14)x2 34 098
12925 Steelseries Logo Yolken 12.10.14 (13+19)x(16+16)x2 2 517
12943 Whale ANA_LILI 20.10.14 (17+9)x(13+8)x2 1 154
12964 Good Grief galash 28.10.14 (10+10)x(10+10)x2 1 084
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