Griddlers Knihy
Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 13
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ID | Popis | Autor | Datum | velikost | Body | vyřešeno |
2594 | Exotic Roadrunner | cark | 13.12.02 | 20x25x2 t | 3 799 | |
3321 | Beast | tono | 17.2.03 | 30x20x2 f | 2 105 | |
3763 | Birmingham Southern | TNT | 16.4.03 | 40x50x2 f | 257 571 | |
6133 | Gramophone | robynkt9 | 27.9.03 | 20x25x2 t | 3 590 | |
8050 | Lab | ido27 | 28.2.04 | 35x20x2 f | 33 977 | |
8138 | Horse | 13886 | 2.3.04 | 25x25x2 t | 3 957 | |
10638 | Lock | babettk | 11.6.04 | 36x50x2 f | 1 423 783 | |
10734 | Lighthouse | booglemonster | 17.6.04 | 45x50x2 f | 32 087 | |
10905 | One Escapes | Ickey4711 | 29.6.04 | 30x40x2 f | 49 615 | |
11123 | Happier When They are Hanging on the Wall | steveo | 11.7.04 | 40x25x2 f | 7 716 | |
11735 | The Buck Stops Here | steveo | 10.8.04 | 30x20x2 f | 2 341 | |
17255 | Man | shulamit1 | 12.2.05 | 15x20x2 t | 2 151 | |
18768 | Camera | alibaba | 5.3.05 | 16x21x2 f | 908 | |
19009 | Tea Pot | alibaba | 10.3.05 | 41x50x2 f | 24 603 | |
23009 | Steel Drum - Tenor Pan on Stand | MiuraPen | 8.6.05 | 39x50x2 f | 60 736 | |
23972 | Sombrero | elimaor | 11.7.05 | 35x40x2 f | 36 380 | |
23973 | Sombrero | elimaor | 11.7.05 | 35x40x2 f | 156 174 | |
24211 | Math Lesson | netty | 18.7.05 | 35x23x2 t | 8 124 | |
25858 | Mouse | EastBayRay | 17.9.05 | 16x17x2 t | 7 750 | |
28145 | Batman | twoznia | 21.11.05 | 40x40x2 f | 26 150 | |
29464 | Cement Mixer | chefmomster2 | 3.1.06 | 35x42x2 f | 27 219 | |
29465 | Cement Mixer | chefmomster2 | 3.1.06 | 34x42x2 f | 418 070 | |
29634 | Bat | hero692ttr | 7.1.06 | 50x10x2 f | 1 590 | |
30233 | Pear | miryan | 25.1.06 | 15x20x2 t | 8 330 | |
31348 | Welcome to My Home... | kissyrich | 3.3.06 | 16x20x2 t | 3 142 | |
31824 | Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | kissyrich | 17.3.06 | 15x20x2 t | 5 776 | |
33897 | Stallion | liadh | 27.5.06 | 45x50x2 f | 41 878 | |
37554 | Africa | arcer | 6.9.06 | 39x44x2 t | 13 315 | |
40498 | On Your Mark | alembic42 | 5.12.06 | 45x50x2 f | 30 692 | |
41081 | Harlequin | twoznia | 31.12.06 | 15x45x2 f | 50 393 | |
41348 | Truck | tbs | 8.1.07 | 45x25x2 f | 291 | |
41551 | Surveying (Map Engineer-Topography) | mustafademirbas | 14.1.07 | 40x45x2 f | 264 267 | |
43799 | Steam Machine | beast666 | 18.3.07 | 40x25x2 f | 68 402 | |
44177 | Egyptian | aya | 29.3.07 | 15x20x2 f | 1 636 | |
46439 | Office Chair | solo222 | 30.5.07 | 15x20x2 f | 1 064 | |
46499 | Find the Five Differences | ik-is-gek | 3.6.07 | 40x50x2 f | 75 674 | |
47210 | Duck | JESlovesIVO | 17.6.07 | 30x15x2 f | 2 191 | |
47514 | Happy Cat | abrek | 25.6.07 | 15x20x2 f | 1 396 | |
47845 | Crow | Java_PL | 3.7.07 | 30x32x2 f | 32 752 | |
48217 | 500 Watt | sinancatal | 15.7.07 | 40x50x2 f | 387 434 | |
49089 | Vendetta | ferloft101 | 12.8.07 | 42x50x2 f | 8 049 | |
50055 | Kaboom | oko | 5.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 19 525 | |
50177 | Dog's Silhouette | oko | 9.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 2 922 | |
50360 | What's That Smell? | oko | 13.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 562 317 | |
50533 | Mother | karoki5 | 17.9.07 | 15x20x2 f | 589 | |
50589 | If I Had a... | oko | 19.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 54 164 | |
50591 | Chess | oko | 19.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 34 013 | |
50647 | Coffee Set | DinaGreen | 20.9.07 | 28x18x2 t | 11 045 | |
50803 | Fatso | oko | 24.9.07 | 40x50x2 f | 412 190 | |
50899 | Monkey | solo222 | 26.9.07 | 15x20x2 f | 338 | |
51458 | Stable | oko | 9.10.07 | 50x12x2 f | 3 232 | |
52226 | Champagne | oko | 25.10.07 | 17x50x2 f | 88 202 | |
57491 | Dog with Bone | noteasy | 27.1.08 | 16x23x2 t | 5 843 | |
58221 | Lamp | thaly66 | 13.2.08 | 17x19x2 t | 3 600 | |
62182 | Hedgehog | knocka | 24.4.08 | 29x18x2 t | 12 942 | |
62493 | Ant | knocka | 30.4.08 | 43x24x2 f | 9 492 | |
63478 | Baby Bear | arcadedweller | 21.5.08 | 13x19x2 f | 649 | |
64289 | Dinosaur | MDE001 | 6.6.08 | 30x20x2 f | 1 491 | |
64531 | Chemistry Class | Hikara | 11.6.08 | 35x20x2 f | 8 246 | |
65175 | Wrong Answer! | solo222 | 23.6.08 | 15x20x2 f | 612 | |
70559 | Flying Dragon | shaharco | 14.10.08 | 30x40x2 t | 98 636 | |
70673 | One Way to Create a Sticky Situation | arcadedweller | 16.10.08 | 19x48x2 f | 229 107 | |
71430 | Fry from Futurama | hiphop17 | 5.11.08 | 30x40x2 f | 352 899 | |
71577 | Feeding | demirors | 6.11.08 | 25x20x2 t | 8 423 | |
75478 | Alien Service | hi19hi19 | 1.2.09 | 15x20x2 t | 2 502 | |
75572 | Nasreddin Hodja | vahap | 3.2.09 | 37x40x2 t | 32 180 | |
75683 | Alien Garage Band | hi19hi19 | 5.2.09 | 25x15x2 f | 10 745 | |
76855 | Octi | galisand | 4.3.09 | 30x30x2 f | 26 056 | |
80825 | Edward Scissorhands - Kim (Winona) | Glucklich | 28.6.09 | 40x50x2 f | 129 731 | |
82555 | Cookie Thief | Glucklich | 9.8.09 | 50x40x2 f | 251 515 | |
84200 | Skiing | solo222 | 13.9.09 | 30x15x2 f | 1 875 | |
87450 | Dragon | solo222 | 10.12.09 | 40x20x2 f | 17 661 | |
89979 | Fist of Fury | Jasomslovak | 7.2.10 | 31x36x2 t | 58 066 | |
90074 | Fish | solo222 | 9.2.10 | 30x20x2 f | 14 848 | |
91257 | Plane | Mato | 8.3.10 | 38x23x2 f | 1 093 | |
92674 | 007 | hi19hi19 | 12.4.10 | 45x15x2 f | 8 314 | |
94226 | Puppy | solo222 | 18.5.10 | 25x40x2 f | 14 939 | |
95727 | I'm Looking at You | griddlock | 28.6.10 | 50x12x2 f | 5 087 | |
96764 | Napping in the Orchard | yonderpond | 25.7.10 | 25x20x2 t | 11 806 | |
100492 | Car | Comicpainter | 3.11.10 | 35x20x2 f | 27 626 | |
101262 | Rose Flowers | Panko | 22.11.10 | 30x45x2 t | 211 045 | |
101344 | Wizard | stumpy | 24.11.10 | 30x40x2 f | 690 949 | |
102364 | Flying Bat Silhouette | Comicpainter | 8.12.10 | 50x15x2 f | 2 047 | |
103897 | Kuchiki Rukia | ichigo33 | 12.1.11 | 27x50x2 t | 86 432 | |
105548 | Suspicious Liquid | Hikara | 13.2.11 | 20x50x2 f | 226 266 | |
108309 | Silver Museum, Argentina | steveo | 19.4.11 | 35x22x2 f | 16 745 | |
108904 | Do not Cry Over Spilled Milk | carm53 | 4.5.11 | 25x16x2 t | 4 689 | |
108973 | Dead Sea Mud Mask | carm53 | 8.5.11 | 30x39x2 t | 83 685 | |
111565 | Viewing from Above | carm53 | 11.7.11 | 25x35x2 t | 112 542 | |
113689 | Two Tico Toucans (Costa Rican Holiday Snap) | smallstuff | 4.9.11 | 30x30x2 f | 42 099 | |
113740 | Sailing Boat | Ragusa55 | 7.9.11 | 50x40x2 f | 57 071 | |
114534 | Happy Asian Style Building Mongolia | steveo | 9.10.11 | 38x23x2 f | 10 529 | |
115312 | Cathedral Smolensk Russia | steveo | 30.10.11 | 35x35x2 f | 54 454 | |
116957 | Alley | steveo | 11.12.11 | 25x15x2 f | 1 822 | |
117375 | Monaco Cathedral | steveo | 20.12.11 | 25x40x2 f | 28 933 | |
117518 | Ostrich on the Run | sinL | 25.12.11 | 50x35x2 f | 305 526 | |
118227 | Jane Eyre, 1983 Movie | DinAlymkulova | 10.1.12 | 30x45x2 f | 80 612 | |
118604 | Donkey | hibrahimozer | 22.1.12 | 20x50x2 f | 9 759 | |
118610 | Bus | solo222 | 22.1.12 | 40x20x2 f | 4 523 | |
119910 | Caravan | beren2005 | 19.2.12 | 48x12x2 f | 729 | |
121543 | Amos Milburn | smallstuff | 4.4.12 | 40x50x2 f | 64 975 | |
121639 | Dragon | fremnia | 5.4.12 | 20x50x2 f | 3 127 | |
123041 | Skating | Afrita | 20.5.12 | 30x40x2 f | 33 008 | |
123833 | Together We'll Make It! | smallstuff | 12.6.12 | 50x50x2 f | 221 884 | |
124126 | Armenian Church Door Jerusalem | steveo | 18.6.12 | 45x50x2 f | 260 116 | |
125204 | Church Vestvagoy Norway | steveo | 16.7.12 | 35x50x2 f | 153 366 | |
125669 | Portal Trondheim Norway | steveo | 25.7.12 | 35x20x2 f | 18 441 | |
128253 | Karnan Tower Helsingborg Sweden | steveo | 23.9.12 | 15x40x2 f | 9 735 | |
128804 | Mythosaur | jenniferlynn8 | 10.10.12 | 30x40x2 t | 61 562 | |
128916 | The Maltings, Louth | Rainbow15 | 15.10.12 | 50x50x2 f | 156 772 | |
129176 | Stockton Town Hall | Rainbow15 | 22.10.12 | 40x50x2 f | 469 243 | |
129685 | Bookshelf | solo222 | 11.11.12 | 40x20x2 f | 7 675 | |
129722 | Elephant | nasa17 | 12.11.12 | 30x35x2 f | 260 762 | |
132349 | Getting the Mail | nasa17 | 13.2.13 | 35x20x2 f | 5 959 | |
132586 | Here Comes Hannah the H... | smallstuff | 18.2.13 | 40x20x2 f | 10 532 | |
133316 | Bear Dressed Fancily | Nicky | 5.3.13 | 15x45x2 f | 16 787 | |
133329 | Amedeo Modigliani | smallstuff | 6.3.13 | 30x40x2 f | 79 821 | |
133580 | Abandoned Factory, Riachuelo | Rainbow15 | 14.3.13 | 50x50x2 f | 275 257 | |
134065 | Flamingo in Black and White | Nicky | 1.4.13 | 20x50x2 f | 51 705 | |
134217 | Funny Giraffe | Nicky | 7.4.13 | 20x50x2 f | 33 240 | |
134976 | Anchor | spacemice | 14.5.13 | 32x44x2 t | 43 747 | |
135313 | Angel Heart | Speedtigereye | 26.5.13 | 35x20x2 f | 14 323 | |
135982 | Solar Energy | mareile | 13.6.13 | 30x35x2 f | 23 217 | |
137403 | Mexican Revolutionary General Pancho Villa | smallstuff | 14.8.13 | 50x40x2 f | 53 058 | |
137514 | Library, Ortigueira, Spain | steveo | 21.8.13 | 35x20x2 f | 9 437 | |
137516 | Lighthouse, Navia, Spain | steveo | 21.8.13 | 15x50x2 f | 6 765 | |
137768 | Paul McCartney | popkin | 3.9.13 | 50x45x2 f | 220 448 | |
140860 | Church Tower, Faro, Portugal | steveo | 29.1.14 | 15x45x2 f | 9 412 | |
141881 | Binoculars | Oskar | 1.4.14 | 30x30x2 f | 20 412 | |
143174 | Bow And Arrow | shadows728 | 18.6.14 | 15x15x2 t | 6 610 | |
145031 | 20 Sided Dice | banane4joy | 21.9.14 | 40x40x2 f | 330 248 | |
145757 | Mr. Chaplin | roodar | 23.10.14 | 45x70x2 f | 278 489 | |
12901 | Swan | goshenmichael | 4.10.14 | (4+4)x(2+3)x2 | 69 | |
12903 | Yellow Arrow | Sliam | 4.10.14 | (0+7)x(7+5)x2 | 117 | |
12923 | Onion | ANA_LILI | 12.10.14 | (10+32)x(33+14)x2 | 34 098 | |
12925 | Steelseries Logo | Yolken | 12.10.14 | (13+19)x(16+16)x2 | 2 517 | |
12943 | Whale | ANA_LILI | 20.10.14 | (17+9)x(13+8)x2 | 1 154 | |
12964 | Good Grief | galash | 28.10.14 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 1 084 |
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