Griddlers Knihy

Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 18
Pages:108Puzzles: 154
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ID | Popis | Autor | Datum | velikost | Body | vyřešeno |
3818 | Spiderman | janndvorakk | 19.4.03 | 20x20x3 f | 5 277 | |
4204 | Walking | poehbeertje | 8.5.03 | 20x30x2 f | 2 541 | |
4423 | Seagull | tono | 13.5.03 | 20x25x2 f | 1 088 | |
5000 | Footballer | tono | 12.6.03 | 20x30x2 f | 12 726 | |
5068 | Young Giraffe | tono | 18.6.03 | 20x25x2 f | 6 756 | |
5086 | Litter-Bin | tono | 19.6.03 | 20x25x2 f | 4 272 | |
6533 | Coat-of-Arms | ulka | 17.11.03 | 20x30x2 f | 4 930 | |
6546 | Rooster | ulka | 17.11.03 | 20x25x2 f | 6 771 | |
8056 | Lock and Key | MagiMaster | 29.2.04 | 20x25x2 f | 4 109 | |
8360 | Elephant | liri748 | 11.3.04 | 25x20x3 f | 2 823 | |
9878 | Key | batseba | 14.5.04 | 20x6x2 f | 64 | |
11168 | Vase | shula | 14.7.04 | 20x25x2 f | 1 865 | |
11454 | Table Lamp | shula | 26.7.04 | 20x25x2 f | 14 598 | |
12066 | Slow... | julesc | 5.9.04 | 13x7x2 f | 154 | |
24077 | Sheriff | twoznia | 14.7.05 | 20x30x2 f | 2 647 | |
25625 | Lamp | twoznia | 27.8.05 | 20x27x2 f | 34 645 | |
26445 | Old Bicycle | twoznia | 8.10.05 | 30x50x2 f | 642 265 | |
30349 | Tie | twoznia | 29.1.06 | 7x18x2 f | 16 | |
31024 | Rolls-Royce | f1comp | 21.2.06 | 30x50x2 f | 38 299 | |
32185 | Sunglasses | hero692ttr | 30.3.06 | 40x14x2 f | 970 | |
32228 | Tank | hero692ttr | 31.3.06 | 30x13x2 f | 198 | |
35021 | Chromosome | LuBaBoY | 25.6.06 | 5x15x2 f | 14 | |
41511 | Rabbit | mustafademirbas | 11.1.07 | 18x34x2 f | 1 344 | |
41867 | Microphone | marielle | 22.1.07 | 8x20x2 f | 503 | |
43447 | Car | hibrahimozer | 9.3.07 | 31x15x2 f | 1 002 | |
43955 | It's Ringing | jochum | 21.3.07 | 17x30x2 f | 3 582 | |
44228 | Hanging Spider | mobygirl | 2.4.07 | 17x30x2 f | 10 170 | |
44333 | Wizard | komplexyapi | 5.4.07 | 35x50x2 f | 130 507 | |
44334 | Wizard | komplexyapi | 5.4.07 | 30x50x2 f | 87 305 | |
46571 | Swallows | gemini | 4.6.07 | 35x45x2 f | 236 460 | |
47663 | My Bike | evallo | 28.6.07 | 35x25x2 f | 19 008 | |
49000 | Car | starch | 8.8.07 | 33x25x2 f | 8 513 | |
50563 | Rueful | oko | 18.9.07 | 40x45x2 f | 366 544 | |
50928 | Boiled Egg | elimaor | 27.9.07 | 20x30x2 f | 240 957 | |
54108 | Everyone's a Wally | mathcom | 25.11.07 | 15x30x2 f | 2 757 | |
56499 | Knotty | oko | 6.1.08 | 50x50x2 f | 1 171 710 | |
57937 | Road Runner | AgeX | 8.2.08 | 15x30x2 f | 3 804 | |
58959 | German Shepherd Dog | Danyela506 | 2.3.08 | 30x45x2 f | 180 777 | |
58960 | German Shepherd Dog | Danyela506 | 2.3.08 | 30x45x2 f | 20 603 | |
59236 | Trojan Helmet | ledka | 6.3.08 | 37x45x2 f | 17 889 | |
59520 | Donkey Head | ledka | 11.3.08 | 50x50x2 f | 76 847 | |
60601 | Goalkeeper | bart88 | 1.4.08 | 25x17x3 f | 1 489 | |
61145 | Purse | ledka | 8.4.08 | 34x27x2 f | 10 208 | |
61284 | Cans on Strings | arcadedweller | 10.4.08 | 40x20x2 f | 5 606 | |
62384 | Monorail | sheepcloud | 28.4.08 | 25x7x2 f | 117 | |
62938 | Shadows | ld5 | 11.5.08 | 50x45x2 f | 177 044 | |
63633 | Limbo! | arcadedweller | 22.5.08 | 18x7x2 f | 132 | |
63852 | Man at Work? | trnava | 27.5.08 | 30x50x2 t | 179 941 | |
67721 | Lighthouse | Rainbow15 | 7.8.08 | 20x30x2 f | 17 330 | |
68363 | Grand Piano | lionqueen | 22.8.08 | 25x18x3 f | 3 963 | |
69055 | LOT - Polish Airlines Logo | desmo | 7.9.08 | 40x15x2 f | 1 290 | |
71796 | Eagle | nasa17 | 11.11.08 | 50x45x2 f | 10 843 | |
73955 | Draggin' | Glucklich | 4.1.09 | 50x25x2 f | 59 526 | |
75776 | Mona Lisa | cradelka | 8.2.09 | 40x45x2 t | 65 932 | |
76921 | Toast for the Alien | hi19hi19 | 5.3.09 | 28x15x2 f | 7 296 | |
77834 | Guess Who | galisand | 29.3.09 | 35x50x2 f | 22 689 | |
81283 | Robin | anm | 9.7.09 | 40x50x2 f | 10 776 | |
81284 | Robin | anm | 9.7.09 | 35x50x2 f | 13 417 | |
86496 | Rio | Augusto | 15.11.09 | 30x22x2 f | 9 197 | |
87566 | Puppy | litalia | 13.12.09 | 50x50x2 f | 25 609 | |
87627 | Garden Bench | solo222 | 14.12.09 | 20x30x2 f | 4 536 | |
91245 | Just a Guy | trombone | 8.3.10 | 20x30x2 f | 30 440 | |
92635 | Black Cat | marci87 | 11.4.10 | 42x48x2 t | 46 193 | |
104225 | Griddlers in Hats | steveo | 20.1.11 | 29x16x2 f | 2 288 | |
104373 | Harry Potter - Snape | Glucklich | 25.1.11 | 40x50x2 f | 77 794 | |
107037 | Tales | carm53 | 22.3.11 | 30x40x2 t | 40 065 | |
107235 | Candlestick | palinopalino | 28.3.11 | 40x50x2 f | 65 329 | |
107782 | Mosquito | carm53 | 10.4.11 | 35x25x2 f | 105 511 | |
108979 | Heartagram | animgirl | 8.5.11 | 25x25x2 f | 18 279 | |
113606 | What's for Dinner? | smallstuff | 1.9.11 | 32x12x2 f | 770 | |
115136 | Gateway Folegandros Greece | steveo | 24.10.11 | 25x17x2 f | 1 797 | |
116282 | The Other Nite | smallstuff | 20.11.11 | 30x50x2 f | 194 102 | |
121661 | Panda | beren2005 | 8.4.12 | 50x30x2 f | 75 470 | |
124938 | Mayan Script: Quetzal | Dominiek | 9.7.12 | 44x40x2 f | 1 353 200 | |
125820 | Quad Scull | Crimraoul | 26.7.12 | 19x7x2 f | 141 | |
126150 | Griddler Olympics: Modern Pentathlon | steveo | 1.8.12 | 35x20x2 f | 12 493 | |
126331 | Passenger Train | bepklep | 5.8.12 | 50x45x2 f | 58 884 | |
128312 | Church Karlskrona Sweden | steveo | 24.9.12 | 45x50x2 f | 51 303 | |
129051 | Moo | popkin | 18.10.12 | 50x30x2 f | 11 741 | |
129068 | Helicopter | Nicky | 20.10.12 | 35x15x2 f | 1 235 | |
132689 | St Nicholas Center, Kotka Finland | steveo | 19.2.13 | 40x20x2 f | 7 196 | |
133059 | Train | nasa17 | 25.2.13 | 40x20x2 f | 108 174 | |
133078 | Chick | Nicky | 25.2.13 | 20x30x2 f | 4 606 | |
133170 | Infinity | nasa17 | 28.2.13 | 45x20x2 f | 195 932 | |
133352 | First Mini Tree in Platypus Land | jock | 7.3.13 | 25x20x2 f | 3 374 | |
134337 | Fifth Butterfly in Platypus Land | jock | 10.4.13 | 30x50x2 f | 77 525 | |
134414 | Airing the Room | Andy_M | 11.4.13 | 30x40x2 f | 38 881 | |
134777 | Marilyn Monroe - First | jock | 5.5.13 | 50x50x2 f | 206 121 | |
137029 | Chief Victorio, the Fierce Warm Springs Apache | smallstuff | 25.7.13 | 40x50x2 f | 113 677 | |
138321 | The Sundance Kid | smallstuff | 9.10.13 | 40x50x2 f | 95 301 | |
141734 | Blockhead | steveo | 23.3.14 | 5x10x2 f | 39 | |
142256 | Medical ID | AriaLikesGrids | 26.4.14 | 19x28x2 f | 923 | |
144596 | Pigtails | sabarg | 2.9.14 | 40x25x2 f | 31 762 | |
145361 | A Bi-plane | ytaironigal | 7.10.14 | 45x25x2 f | 10 688 | |
145422 | Maze | Krafayis | 12.10.14 | 25x25x2 f | 11 597 | |
145759 | Night | yuvalb | 23.10.14 | 35x25x2 f | 2 346 | |
147512 | Eye | soliro | 7.12.14 | 25x20x2 f | 2 991 | |
149392 | Truck | painter100 | 14.1.15 | 45x20x2 f | 14 829 | |
149598 | Eucalyptus Branch | painter100 | 19.1.15 | 40x25x2 f | 22 852 | |
149707 | Snail | painter100 | 21.1.15 | 40x25x2 f | 73 317 | |
149974 | Dragonfly | painter100 | 28.1.15 | 45x20x2 f | 213 196 | |
150040 | Fish | painter100 | 29.1.15 | 50x30x2 f | 31 860 | |
150676 | Flying | painter100 | 10.2.15 | 45x20x2 f | 64 513 | |
150785 | Lion | painter100 | 11.2.15 | 35x50x2 f | 86 349 | |
150786 | Man Cycling | painter100 | 11.2.15 | 30x50x2 f | 51 875 | |
150847 | Help | painter100 | 12.2.15 | 25x15x2 f | 4 805 | |
151151 | Double the Pi | alleycat11235 | 22.2.15 | 35x30x2 f | 4 244 | |
151419 | Salvador Dali | ledka | 1.3.15 | 42x38x2 f | 192 453 | |
152001 | Truck Hauler | buggler | 8.3.15 | 35x25x2 f | 21 770 | |
153513 | Wavy Hair | Windlace | 2.4.15 | 25x25x2 f | 6 230 | |
154047 | Chimney Cleaning | mskatal | 12.4.15 | 35x49x2 f | 90 944 | |
154156 | Witch | ledka | 14.4.15 | 44x45x2 f | 13 491 | |
154295 | Rose | aga0211p | 15.4.15 | 25x26x2 f | 2 402 | |
157240 | Double Decker | kikiki | 8.6.15 | 40x25x2 f | 5 155 | |
157314 | Railway Station, Pointe Noire, Congo | steveo | 10.6.15 | 40x25x2 f | 46 066 | |
157599 | House, Benguela, Angola | steveo | 18.6.15 | 40x25x2 f | 71 651 | |
157991 | Rose | arcek | 29.6.15 | 35x49x2 t | 143 357 | |
158377 | Resort, Sharm EL Sheik, Egypt | steveo | 13.7.15 | 35x20x2 f | 6 515 | |
158864 | Elephant | solo222 | 20.7.15 | 15x15x2 f | 8 055 | |
158940 | Cold Drink | solo222 | 21.7.15 | 7x14x2 f | 98 | |
160007 | Calligraphy: H | setenay | 9.8.15 | 32x17x2 f | 33 880 | |
160264 | Flower | haneh | 12.8.15 | 25x25x2 f | 11 476 | |
160615 | Bird | haneh | 19.8.15 | 41x37x2 f | 7 100 | |
161165 | Fawn | haneh | 25.8.15 | 32x45x2 f | 72 360 | |
162936 | Mineworker | vtipkarjope | 22.9.15 | 50x50x2 f | 141 655 | |
163944 | Rowing | wimfke | 13.10.15 | 35x35x2 f | 86 892 | |
164017 | Swallow | Nicky | 14.10.15 | 25x25x2 f | 4 393 | |
164633 | Ready to Climb | wimfke | 26.10.15 | 30x40x2 f | 19 217 | |
164851 | Cat Sillhouette | bombastico | 29.10.15 | 40x45x2 f | 11 281 | |
165326 | Abraham Lincoln | kiwima | 5.11.15 | 39x50x2 f | 274 066 | |
165327 | Fishhook | kiwima | 5.11.15 | 36x45x2 f | 249 378 | |
165599 | Popeye | kiwima | 9.11.15 | 15x15x2 f | 2 417 | |
166112 | Feeding Squirrels | kiwima | 16.11.15 | 40x25x2 f | 4 286 | |
166488 | Give Me your Tired Poor | kiwima | 22.11.15 | 49x48x2 f | 1 077 955 | |
166742 | Wrecking Ball | kiwima | 24.11.15 | 15x15x2 f | 532 | |
167384 | Old Car | thomas92 | 1.12.15 | 25x20x2 f | 2 378 | |
167430 | Table For Two | wimfke | 2.12.15 | 30x40x2 f | 42 358 | |
167810 | Antelope | razzmatazz | 10.12.15 | 35x50x2 f | 265 204 | |
168307 | Dusting | kiwima | 22.12.15 | 35x50x2 f | 330 488 | |
168426 | Iron | Suz_815 | 23.12.15 | 14x7x2 f | 26 | |
168559 | Flower | eline-sophie | 27.12.15 | 40x25x2 f | 24 434 | |
171134 | Spider | meszi | 2.2.16 | 15x15x2 f | 1 763 | |
171531 | Horse | meszi | 14.2.16 | 30x20x2 f | 1 938 | |
172087 | Armadillo | meszi | 28.2.16 | 40x25x2 f | 10 957 | |
172145 | Kangaroo | meszi | 1.3.16 | 40x40x2 f | 24 278 | |
172249 | Butterfly | meszi | 3.3.16 | 45x45x2 f | 319 670 | |
172349 | Oldsmobile | meszi | 7.3.16 | 35x20x2 f | 20 705 | |
172410 | Motorcycle | meszi | 8.3.16 | 16x11x2 f | 476 | |
172461 | Vintage Car | meszi | 9.3.16 | 25x20x2 f | 2 537 | |
13183 | Dog | painter100 | 8.1.15 | (4+5)x(3+5)x2 | 33 | |
13217 | Cat | painter100 | 20.1.15 | (7+2)x(2+6)x2 | 134 | |
13276 | Owl | hodhod | 5.3.15 | (19+6)x(6+15)x2 | 1 884 | |
13790 | Motorcycle | hertseltsur | 13.3.16 | (25+25)x(25+25)x2 | 314 872 |