Griddlers Knihy

Griddlers Standard - Black and White, Vol. 9
Pages:49Puzzles: 74
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ID | Popis | Autor | Datum | velikost | Body | vyřešeno |
624 | Nurse | woa | 10.6.02 | 25x25x2 f | 14 748 | |
633 | Swing | woa | 12.6.02 | 25x25x2 f | 11 645 | |
667 | Penny-Farthing | woa | 15.6.02 | 25x25x2 f | 5 848 | |
680 | Galleon | woa | 15.6.02 | 25x25x2 f | 26 690 | |
712 | Horse | mathman | 4.7.02 | 25x25x2 f | 2 568 | |
1001 | Swan | woa | 30.7.02 | 30x20x2 f | 5 814 | |
1737 | Goofy | amies123 | 11.10.02 | 20x20x2 f | 13 853 | |
2254 | Fish | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 885 | |
2622 | Smile, Please | Misty | 18.12.02 | 40x40x2 f | 161 650 | |
2628 | House | rehak | 19.12.02 | 30x20x2 f | 8 343 | |
3089 | Peter | Misty | 16.1.03 | 50x50x2 f | 147 309 | |
3308 | Water Tap | tono | 14.2.03 | 20x20x2 f | 1 171 | |
3531 | Radioactive Waste | tono | 13.3.03 | 20x20x2 f | 391 | |
3533 | Deer | tono | 13.3.03 | 20x20x2 f | 932 | |
3635 | Family of Penguins | tono | 4.4.03 | 20x20x2 f | 1 875 | |
4014 | Navy | TNT | 29.4.03 | 50x50x2 f | 178 977 | |
4739 | Love - Two in One | tono | 29.5.03 | 20x20x2 f | 353 | |
4829 | Candlestick | tono | 4.6.03 | 20x20x2 f | 4 573 | |
5261 | Duck | iris | 9.7.03 | 40x40x2 f | 9 246 | |
5362 | Panda | Michaelamm | 15.7.03 | 20x20x2 f | 4 907 | |
5439 | After Washing | tono | 23.7.03 | 30x20x2 f | 5 445 | |
5634 | Trot | elad | 13.8.03 | 50x50x2 f | 66 472 | |
5693 | Blow | Misty | 19.8.03 | 50x50x2 f | 22 939 | |
5894 | Crow | HSpring | 5.9.03 | 50x50x2 f | 182 094 | |
6073 | Umbrella | Jaanannu | 17.9.03 | 20x20x2 f | 1 152 | |
6967 | Cop | Hiroshima | 18.12.03 | 20x20x2 f | 5 395 | |
7892 | Hand | dark_angel | 21.2.04 | 20x20x2 f | 4 683 | |
7995 | Clock... Lamp... and a Picture | dark_angel | 25.2.04 | 20x20x2 f | 2 910 | |
8452 | Horse in the Grand Canyon | grizlly_guy | 15.3.04 | 20x20x2 f | 10 554 | |
9181 | Shopping | Faqt | 13.4.04 | 40x40x2 f | 5 727 | |
9444 | Minimalism: Work Yourself Up | jvloenen | 25.4.04 | 5x5x2 f | 3 | |
9946 | Minimalism: Button | nhfk | 16.5.04 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
11428 | Swing | shula | 24.7.04 | 30x20x2 f | 2 567 | |
11679 | Minimalism: Skull with Teeth | rafal24 | 5.8.04 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
11680 | Minimalism: Elephant | rafal24 | 5.8.04 | 5x5x2 f | 4 | |
22843 | Alien | lili71 | 3.6.05 | 15x15x2 f | 737 | |
23307 | Chemistry | solo222 | 20.6.05 | 10x10x2 f | 188 | |
23375 | Baby Carryall | solo222 | 22.6.05 | 10x10x2 f | 59 | |
23492 | Wagon | solo222 | 25.6.05 | 10x10x2 f | 131 | |
25030 | Minimalism: Plane | twoznia | 8.8.05 | 5x5x2 f | 4 | |
25227 | Minimalism: Key | whitefrog | 13.8.05 | 5x5x2 f | 2 | |
25582 | Minimalism: Castle | asiunia_b | 25.8.05 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
28036 | Candy | twoznia | 17.11.05 | 10x10x2 f | 41 | |
28328 | Food Mill | zomer | 27.11.05 | 10x10x2 f | 286 | |
29581 | Fishbone | hero692ttr | 5.1.06 | 25x15x2 f | 2 117 | |
29733 | Ladybug | op1 | 10.1.06 | 30x15x2 f | 3 751 | |
29747 | Minimalism: Moose | twoznia | 10.1.06 | 5x5x2 f | 3 | |
30706 | Minimalism: Flower | twoznia | 12.2.06 | 5x5x2 f | 5 | |
31685 | Cottage | lillesol | 13.3.06 | 40x40x2 f | 107 703 | |
32747 | Minimalism: Dog | fluffguf | 20.4.06 | 5x5x2 f | 2 | |
33387 | Minimalism: Having a Bath | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 9.5.06 | 5x5x2 f | 13 | |
38203 | Man | marlonbraga | 20.9.06 | 10x10x2 f | 143 | |
39320 | Ace of Diamonds | hingly | 26.10.06 | 50x50x2 f | 1 747 784 | |
40774 | Christmas Decoration | saraepetersson | 17.12.06 | 40x40x2 f | 15 279 | |
40926 | Fishing | xiayu | 25.12.06 | 25x27x2 f | 25 863 | |
41006 | Stork | xiayu | 28.12.06 | 40x40x2 f | 471 181 | |
41302 | Box Room Under the Stairs | Oskar | 7.1.07 | 10x10x2 f | 624 | |
41385 | Happy Sun | Kyraath | 9.1.07 | 30x30x2 f | 53 022 | |
41734 | Canoe | starch | 20.1.07 | 33x13x2 f | 2 344 | |
42819 | Scooter | hibrahimozer | 16.2.07 | 25x15x2 f | 823 | |
42919 | Truck | hibrahimozer | 19.2.07 | 30x20x2 f | 5 282 | |
43057 | Perch | komplexyapi | 22.2.07 | 30x30x2 f | 6 113 | |
43133 | Going for a Walk with a Dog | Oskar | 26.2.07 | 30x20x2 f | 9 496 | |
43180 | Mouse | Replica | 28.2.07 | 10x10x2 f | 448 | |
43623 | Four Monkeys | steveo | 13.3.07 | 31x12x2 f | 5 412 | |
43999 | Warship | starch | 23.3.07 | 30x20x2 f | 4 928 | |
44272 | Minimalism: Phone | mustafademirbas | 3.4.07 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
44660 | Beledi | Glucklich | 15.4.07 | 20x35x2 f | 11 566 | |
45422 | Astronaut | gemini | 6.5.07 | 30x30x2 f | 18 499 | |
45569 | Sherlock Holmes | solo222 | 9.5.07 | 10x15x2 f | 1 039 | |
46317 | Caravan | hibrahimozer | 27.5.07 | 30x30x2 f | 2 638 | |
46374 | Chirp | starch | 28.5.07 | 30x30x2 f | 7 529 | |
47382 | Tulip | solo222 | 21.6.07 | 10x15x2 f | 204 | |
48895 | Left Eye | Eilleen | 5.8.07 | 30x23x2 f | 4 884 |