Griddlers Bøger

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 38
Pages:55Puzzles: 43
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ID | Beskrivelse | Skaber | Dato | Størrelse | Point | Løst |
3872 | Taurus | oren | 19-04-03 | 50x45x2 f | 24.916 | |
5777 | Zviretice (A Medieval Castle in Czech Rep.) | toni | 26-08-03 | 25x50x2 f | 44.042 | |
22830 | Soaring | elimaor | 03-06-05 | 50x50x2 f | 257.039 | |
42856 | Pharaoh | xiayu | 18-02-07 | 32x32x2 f | 325.155 | |
43080 | Woman | mustafademirbas | 25-02-07 | 50x50x2 f | 1.115.748 | |
47652 | Big Boat | shadow2097 | 28-06-07 | 50x50x2 f | 11.136.569 | |
49654 | Music Please | oko | 27-08-07 | 50x50x2 f | 49.643 | |
50206 | Skull | xiayu | 10-09-07 | 35x35x2 f | 267.597 | |
50567 | Village | oko | 18-09-07 | 45x50x2 f | 128.238 | |
52228 | On the Run Again | oko | 25-10-07 | 40x50x2 f | 53.923 | |
54560 | Rodent | oko | 03-12-07 | 40x45x2 f | 40.233 | |
62829 | Apple | maycanatan | 07-05-08 | 50x50x2 f | 858.561 | |
69044 | This is Mine | trnava | 07-09-08 | 40x40x2 f | 115.852 | |
89405 | Eagle | stumpy | 21-01-10 | 45x30x2 f | 75.607 | |
100766 | Felix Smiles | draines | 10-11-10 | 45x50x2 f | 482.127 | |
111164 | Andy Capp | unhygenix | 03-07-11 | 21x50x2 f | 52.840 | |
117948 | Tongue Out | kikiki | 04-01-12 | 45x45x2 f | 18.256 | |
123632 | Choose Your Next Witticism Carefully, Mr. Bond | smallstuff | 06-06-12 | 40x45x2 f | 73.639 | |
124380 | Mayan Stela | Dominiek | 24-06-12 | 45x50x2 f | 1.413.887 | |
131738 | Don't Ever Call this Puffing Little Pig a Dog | smallstuff | 03-02-13 | 45x50x2 f | 1.069.497 | |
132241 | A Group of Pious Pilgrims | smallstuff | 11-02-13 | 45x50x2 f | 153.170 | |
133753 | Arrested During Haircut | smallstuff | 21-03-13 | 50x50x2 f | 222.947 | |
134505 | Fourth Tree in Platypus Land | jock | 16-04-13 | 50x45x2 f | 568.934 | |
134507 | Fifth Tree in Platypus Land | jock | 16-04-13 | 50x40x2 f | 101.032 | |
134543 | Second Sport in Platypus Land | jock | 18-04-13 | 50x50x2 f | 347.845 | |
134775 | First Zebra in Platypus Land Zoo | jock | 05-05-13 | 50x50x2 f | 10.011.890 | |
135365 | "Even the Very Wise Cannot See All Ends" - Gandalf | jock | 28-05-13 | 50x50x2 f | 5.961.339 | |
136816 | Dragon Tattoo | roodar | 18-07-13 | 45x50x2 f | 64.461 | |
137323 | Cat | Oskar | 11-08-13 | 30x35x2 f | 32.459 | |
137717 | Mary Eliza Mahoney, 1st African American RN in USA | smallstuff | 01-09-13 | 45x50x2 f | 133.778 | |
137845 | Mother Teresa's Face As a Teenager | smallstuff | 08-09-13 | 50x50x2 f | 119.938 | |
138014 | Grief-Stricken | smallstuff | 15-09-13 | 45x50x2 f | 198.000 | |
138225 | Algerian Girls (c.1906) | smallstuff | 30-09-13 | 50x45x2 f | 183.838 | |
138442 | Tests Show Horse-Flies are Deterred by B&W Stripes | smallstuff | 15-10-13 | 50x50x2 f | 276.438 | |
138460 | Jew's Harp Player | smallstuff | 17-10-13 | 45x50x2 f | 114.648 | |
140488 | Sweet Baby Jesus | smallstuff | 16-01-14 | 45x50x2 f | 179.738 | |
141845 | Hotel Riviera, Pula, Croatia | steveo | 31-03-14 | 45x35x2 f | 88.398 | |
142024 | Arachnida | nirossss | 09-04-14 | 50x25x2 f | 169.319 | |
142472 | Twins | nirossss | 13-05-14 | 45x40x2 f | 816.583 | |
142495 | Face | attila222 | 14-05-14 | 50x50x2 f | 1.326.195 | |
143267 | Huge Wave | nirossss | 23-06-14 | 50x50x2 f | 2.330.174 | |
144402 | Ram | roodar | 14-08-14 | 65x75x2 f | 261.736 | |
144467 | Deer | Nicky | 19-08-14 | 40x65x2 f | 75.801 |