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Historie og Regering: Heraldik og Medaljer

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Side nr. af 25
Resultat: 480 af 480
ID Beskrivelse Skaber Dato Størrelse Point Popularitet Gennemsnitstid Løst
2665 Cities of Slovakia: Bobot GICaesar 24-07-06 (31+14)x(15+27)x5 10.460 61,67% 00:48:31
2664 Cities of Slovakia: Bobrovec GICaesar 24-07-06 (30+14)x(15+27)x6 16.868 61,90% 00:46:49
2663 Cities of Slovakia: Botany GICaesar 24-07-06 (31+14)x(15+27)x4 20.694 61,71% 00:21:19
2658 Cities of Slovakia: Bol GICaesar 23-07-06 (29+14)x(14+26)x4 24.090 58,60% 00:24:57
2657 Cities of Slovakia: Blesovce GICaesar 23-07-06 (31+15)x(15+28)x6 34.829 60,24% 00:34:03
2656 Cities of Slovakia: Blatne Revistia GICaesar 23-07-06 (29+15)x(15+27)x3 183.003 68,91% 00:33:57
2650 Cities of Slovakia: Blatnica GICaesar 22-07-06 (31+14)x(14+28)x5 14.713 64,70% 00:40:36
2649 Cities of Slovakia: Blatna Polianka GICaesar 22-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x5 20.209 63,59% 00:46:27
2648 Cities of Slovakia: Blatne GICaesar 22-07-06 (30+15)x(15+28)x4 28.174 63,18% 00:35:44
2642 Cities of Slovakia: Biskupova GICaesar 19-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x4 12.204 56,69% 00:23:24
2641 Cities of Slovakia: Blatna na Ostrove GICaesar 19-07-06 (29+14)x(14+26)x4 12.138 58,33% 00:32:15
2640 Cities of Slovakia: Blahova GICaesar 19-07-06 (30+15)x(15+28)x4 34.285 57,38% 00:29:12
2635 Cities of Slovakia: Biskupice GICaesar 18-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x4 20.797 55,19% 00:33:49
2629 Cities of Slovakia: Biely Kostol GICaesar 16-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x4 19.278 61,14% 00:16:44
2628 Cities of Slovakia: Bidovce GICaesar 16-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x5 25.203 55,61% 00:40:48
2624 Cities of Slovakia: Betlanovce GICaesar 15-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x6 9.145 60,64% 01:11:03
2623 Cities of Slovakia: Betliar GICaesar 15-07-06 (30+15)x(15+26)x5 10.679 61,28% 00:35:47
2622 Cities of Slovakia: Binovce GICaesar 15-07-06 (30+15)x(15+27)x4 23.440 62,78% 00:43:31
2620 Cities of Slovakia: Beniakovce GICaesar 14-07-06 (29+14)x(14+26)x4 18.611 54,34% 00:14:56
2619 Cities of Slovakia: Besenova GICaesar 14-07-06 (30+14)x(15+27)x5 23.846 56,88% 00:25:32
Puslespil pr. side
Side nr. af 25
Resultat: 480 af 480