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Ergebnis: 11646 von 11646
ID Beschreibung Autor Datum Größe Punkte Popularität Durchschnittliche Zeit Gelöst
3075 Panda Bear koko 08.10.06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 463.905 67,42% 01:55:36
3074 Bluethroat koko 06.10.06 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 53.173 87,88% 01:08:04
3073 Endlessly Moving Around dkdk 05.10.06 (22+22)x(22+22)x4 4.673 85,27% 00:57:04
3072 Unfillable dkdk 05.10.06 (20+20)x(20+20)x4 5.385 78,78% 00:30:05
3071 Tab A Into Slot B? dkdk 05.10.06 (20+20)x(20+20)x4 7.015 79,21% 00:24:41
3070 Guess Who They Are amsterdam 05.10.06 (15+29)x(31+19)x4 4.246 66,33% 00:38:08
3068 Guess Who They Are amsterdam 05.10.06 (16+30)x(29+21)x3 20.730 65,85% 00:44:17
3066 Cities of Slovakia: Husina GICaesar 05.10.06 (31+15)x(16+28)x3 74.427 64,58% 00:25:54
3065 Beads dkdk 04.10.06 (25+10)x(10+31)x4 2.166 75,00% 00:39:38
3064 Field of Poppies dkdk 04.10.06 (13+22)x(18+24)x8 3.547 87,24% 00:52:38
3063 No Two Cubes the Same dkdk 04.10.06 (22+22)x(22+22)x7 4.373 80,04% 00:40:14
3062 Chain solior 04.10.06 (23+27)x(17+28)x7 4.304 87,00% 00:48:42
3061 Feeling Naughty ttmm 04.10.06 (12+20)x(35+10)x5 2.644 74,50% 00:40:42
3060 Pucca ttmm 04.10.06 (25+15)x(15+20)x8 5.070 85,26% 00:55:50
3059 Cities of Slovakia: Hudcovce GICaesar 04.10.06 (31+16)x(16+28)x4 34.419 68,23% 00:39:10
3058 Cities of Slovakia: Huncovce GICaesar 04.10.06 (31+16)x(16+28)x5 56.598 65,83% 00:32:51
3057 Bee-Eater koko 04.10.06 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 25.033 90,14% 01:06:16
3055 Ten Past Ten koko 04.10.06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 300.864 62,26% 00:36:08
3053 Mandala dkdk 03.10.06 (15+15)x(15+15)x7 1.723 86,91% 00:32:34
3052 Trapped Rings dkdk 03.10.06 (22+19)x(19+22)x7 5.795 82,29% 00:37:31
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Seite von 583
Ergebnis: 11646 von 11646