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Seite von 854
Ergebnis: 17074 von 17074
ID Beschreibung Autor Datum Größe Punkte Popularität Durchschnittliche Zeit Gelöst
852 On the Road Again... Gus 08.12.04 (10+6)x(6+8)x2 872 57,86% 00:04:27
851 Man and His Shadow Gus 07.12.04 (6+18)x(18+20)x6 505 64,26% 00:06:05
850 Kind of Blue fineke 06.12.04 (15+15)x(15+15)x4 14.994 81,08% 00:30:39
849 Around the World douglas_itoh 06.12.04 (15+15)x(15+15)x6 3.630 71,55% 00:21:22
848 Dolphin douglas_itoh 05.12.04 (24+11)x(18+3)x5 2.079 72,02% 00:13:54
847 Yellow 3omy3 05.12.04 (3+3)x(3+3)x6 26 38,33% 00:01:28
846 Mother... douglas_itoh 04.12.04 (14+10)x(13+14)x7 1.254 61,42% 00:11:02
845 2 Faces harmless_52 04.12.04 (8+8)x(12+8)x2 1.350 57,75% 00:08:14
843 Let Light In douglas_itoh 03.12.04 (0+18)x(18+10)x7 698 77,34% 00:05:09
842 Ho Ho Ho... douglas_itoh 03.12.04 (13+13)x(19+13)x7 1.756 81,46% 00:25:54
841 Blue Parrot douglas_itoh 03.12.04 (12+26)x(10+29)x5 2.072 82,37% 00:25:23
840 King of the Jungle douglas_itoh 03.12.04 (20+20)x(20+16)x6 12.151 63,13% 00:32:28
839 Always on Time douglas_itoh 02.12.04 (6+12)x(12+16)x5 636 69,78% 00:07:36
838 Frog This! douglas_itoh 02.12.04 (16+12)x(12+1)x6 338 76,31% 00:07:55
837 How Are You Feeling Today? kidi 01.12.04 (10+10)x(10+10)x5 615 50,37% 00:06:36
836 Iron Ra100 30.11.04 (13+2)x(7+0)x2 285 51,13% 00:02:26
835 Santa is Coming Ra100 30.11.04 (15+3)x(4+4)x2 493 61,70% 00:03:37
834 Church Ra100 30.11.04 (12+5)x(9+10)x2 799 63,06% 00:06:06
833 Old Style Iron Ra100 30.11.04 (10+7)x(9+3)x2 856 46,30% 00:02:48
832 Summer Drink Ra100 30.11.04 (9+4)x(10+9)x2 1.239 57,05% 00:02:52
Puzzles pro Seite
Seite von 854
Ergebnis: 17074 von 17074