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Ergebnis: 5416 von 5416
ID Beschreibung Autor Datum Größe Punkte Popularität Durchschnittliche Zeit Gelöst
3764 Ford denksport 19.02.07 (39+11)x(11+11)x2 11.966 73,19% 00:27:20
3757 Bowl of Soup wonderland 18.02.07 (7+7)x(7+7)x2 643 58,87% 00:04:01
3755 Big Headed Ostrich bilbobilbo 18.02.07 (6+18)x(16+12)x2 5.935 57,28% 00:07:44
3754 Honda denksport 18.02.07 (18+10)x(10+11)x2 11.373 57,14% 00:09:37
3753 Dodge Viper denksport 18.02.07 (33+13)x(13+27)x2 14.547 67,17% 00:23:16
3751 Dodge denksport 18.02.07 (25+14)x(13+23)x2 39.620 70,57% 00:25:15
3739 Separate the Pieces bilbobilbo 13.02.07 (12+19)x(19+20)x2 2.405 79,12% 00:13:05
3738 Dead Plant bilbobilbo 13.02.07 (6+16)x(16+13)x2 6.725 61,30% 00:08:36
3736 Fight bilbobilbo 13.02.07 (27+16)x(19+2)x2 44.669 60,50% 00:23:56
3734 Wasp's Head bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (7+2)x(2+6)x2 169 49,85% 00:01:51
3733 Hammer bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (12+8)x(10+4)x2 700 46,96% 00:02:52
3732 Behind the wall bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (21+8)x(8+11)x2 5.167 64,62% 00:17:52
3729 House of the Mechanical Bird bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (9+21)x(23+22)x2 36.369 76,76% 00:16:49
3728 Thumbs up bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (12+15)x(17+12)x2 36.646 51,10% 00:12:22
3726 Strong Boxer bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (34+16)x(10+22)x2 49.135 61,54% 00:19:13
3725 Snake on a Stick bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (5+25)x(29+21)x2 64.007 69,07% 00:16:26
3724 3D PacMan bilbobilbo 12.02.07 (25+17)x(18+14)x2 81.100 59,91% 00:15:58
3723 Scary Hideous Hole bilbobilbo 11.02.07 (26+10)x(8+11)x2 5.701 58,04% 00:10:58
3722 Illuminating Road bilbobilbo 11.02.07 (16+30)x(5+42)x2 20.141 59,44% 00:08:12
3721 Boy with Glasses bilbobilbo 11.02.07 (23+19)x(15+20)x2 45.592 61,33% 00:32:27
Puzzles pro Seite
Seite von 271
Ergebnis: 5416 von 5416