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Arts: Architecture: Towers: Big Ben

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Result: 4 of 4
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
16829 Big Ben amsterdam 25/02/24 (25+25)x(25+25)x6 121,551 90.00% 00:24:49
14618 Big Ben Clock hertseltsur 01/02/17 (0+34)x(34+16)x2 30,533 84.58% 00:30:18
7556 Simply London cosmictrombonis 08/12/09 (8+8)x(8+8)x7 638 60.30% 00:08:13
1607 Big Ben koko 10/10/05 (15+35)x(35+15)x6 400,684 88.36% 03:09:33
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Result: 4 of 4