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Resultado: 4
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
13447 Night Owl Krokant 23/05/15 (9+7)x(7+9)x8 415 77,93% 00:10:51
13443 The Frog Prince Krokant 23/05/15 (3+9)x(9+4)x4 194 78,44% 00:02:44
13383 Day of the Tentacle - Purple and Green Krokant 4/05/15 (10+22)x(21+11)x8 1.077 74,67% 00:18:59
13381 Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck and Guybrush Krokant 3/05/15 (18+29)x(16+25)x8 3.655 78,19% 00:37:51
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Resultado: 4