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Página nº de 265
Resultado: 5294 de 5294
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
3814 Magnet bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (10+13)x(13+9)x2 4.103 61,84% 00:07:10
3813 Movie on Wheel bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (13+7)x(25+9)x2 4.896 68,26% 00:10:52
3810 Sickle bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (11+17)x(8+26)x2 8.100 52,18% 00:05:44
3809 Fire Extinguisher bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (12+10)x(16+15)x2 8.935 63,52% 00:08:32
3808 Apple bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (11+13)x(13+11)x2 11.088 48,39% 00:06:11
3807 High Hat bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (10+14)x(16+7)x2 12.388 58,33% 00:07:24
3806 Revolver bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (28+5)x(21+11)x2 16.331 59,34% 00:15:56
3805 Pen bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (12+12)x(30+5)x2 30.599 58,78% 00:09:36
3804 Pizza bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (17+28)x(15+14)x2 34.865 60,34% 00:18:24
3803 Tooth bilbobilbo 1/03/07 (14+18)x(18+16)x2 59.942 60,34% 00:20:08
3785 Snowyowl koko 25/02/07 (14+36)x(21+20)x2 108.788 78,57% 00:28:38
3781 Tepee koko 25/02/07 (19+28)x(27+22)x2 270.993 86,11% 01:00:02
3779 Sea Love koko 25/02/07 (22+23)x(21+26)x2 306.258 81,04% 00:49:18
3778 Copyright remote27 22/02/07 (4+4)x(4+4)x2 118 50,76% 00:00:42
3777 Ice Cream with Flake wonderland 22/02/07 (10+0)x(10+10)x2 676 46,18% 00:01:46
3767 Hyundai denksport 19/02/07 (24+22)x(22+6)x2 4.160 60,58% 00:24:41
3766 Buick denksport 19/02/07 (21+20)x(21+20)x2 6.972 61,57% 00:21:55
3765 Trabant (Car from DDR) denksport 19/02/07 (14+15)x(15+14)x2 8.686 56,86% 00:09:55
3764 Ford denksport 19/02/07 (39+11)x(11+11)x2 11.966 73,19% 00:27:20
3757 Bowl of Soup wonderland 18/02/07 (7+7)x(7+7)x2 643 58,87% 00:04:01
Puzles por página
Página nº de 265
Resultado: 5294 de 5294