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Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17057 de 17057
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
4829 Right to My Heart douglas_itoh 26/12/07 (6+7)x(7+6)x6 276 52,87% 00:03:57
4828 Please Don’t Kill Him douglas_itoh 26/12/07 (9+14)x(13+13)x5 494 76,07% 00:07:38
4827 Bald Eagle ferloft101 26/12/07 (14+13)x(13+10)x8 509 76,38% 00:08:11
4826 Snowman tiou 26/12/07 (11+12)x(12+12)x5 1.477 67,52% 00:12:36
4825 Tree Hubert55555 25/12/07 (2+2)x(2+2)x4 6 60,71% 00:00:41
4824 Splat! largocatk 23/12/07 (13+17)x(25+12)x7 799 80,40% 00:37:17
4823 Neverending Come and Go Aislyn 23/12/07 (20+20)x(20+20)x6 1.915 64,84% 00:38:14
4822 Badminton ferloft101 23/12/07 (11+13)x(19+4)x2 7.155 64,95% 00:06:31
4821 Mother & Child adrysmomma 23/12/07 (10+33)x(32+18)x2 56.795 68,94% 01:04:05
4820 Tropical Flower adrysmomma 20/12/07 (10+12)x(10+12)x7 402 68,26% 00:27:19
4819 Telling Time adrysmomma 20/12/07 (12+15)x(15+15)x8 1.763 67,95% 00:30:06
4818 Duck Pond adrysmomma 20/12/07 (15+15)x(15+15)x8 3.831 79,69% 00:40:19
4817 Seen on the Reef adrysmomma 20/12/07 (13+18)x(13+18)x4 22.097 60,62% 00:23:43
4816 Mafalda merlincillo 20/12/07 (25+22)x(22+24)x2 16.539 80,73% 00:59:06
4815 Pop-Out mrguy753 19/12/07 (15+15)x(15+15)x7 757 72,86% 00:10:09
4814 Beary Merry Christmas adrysmomma 19/12/07 (24+15)x(14+19)x8 2.725 72,18% 00:45:37
4813 She Dances adrysmomma 19/12/07 (20+20)x(20+20)x8 5.292 63,61% 00:23:29
4812 Buggy mmttvv1 18/12/07 (7+5)x(5+4)x5 288 62,85% 00:02:44
4811 Sunny Day sonjaK 18/12/07 (10+13)x(13+6)x5 746 62,88% 00:07:07
4810 Matches ledka 18/12/07 (9+28)x(26+11)x6 2.280 80,40% 00:17:31
Puzles por página
Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17057 de 17057