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Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17044 de 17044
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
3854 Tilefish koko 15/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 101.485 84,70% 01:32:25
3853 Tom Tom koko 15/03/07 (15+25)x(25+25)x2 203.154 46,68% 00:30:31
3852 Tree of Gondor denksport 14/03/07 (17+23)x(23+24)x2 72.229 79,54% 00:50:25
3851 Sticks solior 12/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x7 6.327 88,18% 01:32:18
3850 Tulip tomtal 11/03/07 (5+5)x(6+6)x6 307 66,15% 00:03:40
3849 Fish tomtal 11/03/07 (12+8)x(8+7)x5 402 68,99% 00:10:17
3848 Apple tomtal 11/03/07 (10+12)x(10+11)x6 571 57,54% 00:09:01
3847 Father and Son Oskar 11/03/07 (6+5)x(5+2)x2 384 59,34% 00:01:53
3846 Magic Cat Oskar 11/03/07 (8+10)x(8+8)x2 2.232 57,89% 00:06:30
3845 Zoo Entrance JackOfSpades 11/03/07 (12+16)x(20+12)x7 1.089 66,16% 00:19:15
3844 Cubes solior 11/03/07 (20+20)x(20+20)x6 1.943 89,96% 00:53:50
3843 Haring Keith ajani57 11/03/07 (19+11)x(11+11)x5 4.235 63,54% 00:22:11
3842 Almond koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x6 29.689 83,05% 01:25:39
3841 Irish Setter koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 157.181 81,76% 00:47:44
3840 Cockroach koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 180.940 78,31% 00:48:13
3839 Scottish Terrier koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 218.679 74,71% 00:42:57
3838 Thrasher koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 235.427 81,25% 00:49:50
3837 King Cobra koko 11/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 411.379 77,42% 01:22:04
3836 Science Fair ajani57 7/03/07 (14+8)x(13+9)x6 490 59,34% 00:08:00
3835 Who Can Make It koko 7/03/07 (17+15)x(14+10)x2 2.534 67,33% 00:08:44
Puzles por página
Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17044 de 17044