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Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17060 de 17060
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
3870 Electric Chip Shadetree 20/03/07 (13+3)x(26+5)x3 2.342 66,85% 00:14:28
3869 Green Impossible Solid JackOfSpades 19/03/07 (10+10)x(10+10)x4 734 82,98% 00:11:42
3868 Mum thewilk 18/03/07 (16+1)x(4+1)x4 133 65,83% 00:03:20
3867 St, Patrick's Day thewilk 18/03/07 (5+5)x(10+5)x3 346 61,41% 00:04:35
3866 Infinity River Shadetree 18/03/07 (17+7)x(17+7)x5 141 79,24% 00:09:52
3865 Infinitree Shadetree 18/03/07 (1+15)x(15+10)x4 409 73,93% 00:04:50
3864 Pug puppy slinkynml 18/03/07 (26+23)x(21+19)x8 813 76,35% 00:59:18
3863 Under the Rock hila8 18/03/07 (14+18)x(18+22)x8 3.249 62,92% 00:45:52
3862 Malayan Tapir koko 18/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 94.626 83,96% 01:07:22
3861 Fly Agaric koko 18/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 216.170 84,80% 01:11:16
3860 Tambourine koko 18/03/07 (14+32)x(31+19)x3 227.905 81,39% 00:44:18
3859 Staffordshire Bull Terrier koko 18/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 250.658 81,33% 00:57:21
3858 Gila Monster koko 18/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 466.097 75,43% 01:33:29
3857 Snake Taliah 15/03/07 (5+5)x(5+5)x4 544 63,82% 00:05:16
3856 Fortified Shadetree 15/03/07 (26+4)x(24+18)x8 1.553 82,32% 01:03:47
3855 Falcon koko 15/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 8.057 87,50% 01:32:48
3854 Tilefish koko 15/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 101.485 84,70% 01:32:25
3853 Tom Tom koko 15/03/07 (15+25)x(25+25)x2 203.154 46,68% 00:30:31
3852 Tree of Gondor denksport 14/03/07 (17+23)x(23+24)x2 72.229 79,54% 00:50:25
3851 Sticks solior 12/03/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x7 6.327 88,18% 01:32:18
Puzles por página
Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17060 de 17060