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Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17062 de 17062
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
2932 Cities of Slovakia: Hincovce GICaesar 17/09/06 (31+16)x(16+28)x5 12.332 65,48% 00:34:51
2931 Cities of Slovakia: Hencovce GICaesar 17/09/06 (31+15)x(16+28)x4 24.165 55,00% 00:26:38
2930 Alaska Wolf koko 17/09/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x7 15.135 83,61% 01:55:32
2929 Elk koko 17/09/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 509.793 84,46% 01:53:40
2928 Grizzly Bear koko 17/09/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 627.405 78,77% 02:05:14
2927 Grated dkdk 16/09/06 (14+13)x(14+10)x7 516 78,81% 00:26:50
2926 In Her Sunday Best dkdk 16/09/06 (12+12)x(12+12)x8 969 79,34% 00:15:33
2925 Topiary dkdk 16/09/06 (14+15)x(15+18)x6 3.393 83,18% 00:27:23
2924 Keith Haring: Dog denksport 16/09/06 (18+7)x(4+10)x2 5.251 44,80% 00:08:11
2923 Charlie Chaplin denksport 16/09/06 (11+30)x(33+13)x2 7.231 78,69% 00:30:26
2922 Keith Haring: Together denksport 16/09/06 (21+16)x(12+14)x2 26.897 63,35% 00:24:00
2921 Dog Puzzle koko 16/09/06 (22+22)x(28+19)x3 261.453 71,92% 00:41:29
2920 Landing Eagle koko 16/09/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 713.986 88,27% 02:26:02
2919 Little House bangled 14/09/06 (7+7)x(5+7)x8 223 58,26% 00:03:26
2918 Cherries bangled 14/09/06 (5+5)x(10+2)x4 363 51,64% 00:02:04
2917 Cities of Slovakia: Hankovce GICaesar 14/09/06 (31+16)x(16+28)x5 7.041 60,62% 00:19:56
2916 Cities of Slovakia: Hazin GICaesar 14/09/06 (31+16)x(16+28)x6 27.981 68,48% 00:41:42
2915 Mariah Carey amsterdam 14/09/06 (25+24)x(25+25)x3 12.605 52,32% 01:01:40
2914 Man with Hat amsterdam 14/09/06 (16+32)x(28+22)x2 49.359 74,68% 00:35:32
2913 Drum Playing Itself koko 14/09/06 (31+15)x(14+30)x3 125.339 75,00% 00:50:43
Puzles por página
Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17062 de 17062