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Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17061
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
7547 Simply Agra cosmictrombonis 7/12/09 (8+8)x(8+8)x7 404 67,58% 00:05:39
5546 Moon and Sun knocka 18/05/08 (6+7)x(7+6)x6 283 60,02% 00:05:39
4989 Menorah Dennis_Greiner 22/01/08 (1+13)x(14+10)x7 445 62,91% 00:05:39
16149 Run! meszi 26/03/22 (10+6)x(13+8)x4 642 76,39% 00:05:38
14880 Optical Illusion spacemice 8/01/18 (14+13)x(1+23)x4 223 84,94% 00:05:38
9973 The thinker (Pensador) - Angola's Famous Sculpture ANA_LILI 4/09/11 (5+22)x(15+16)x2 1.556 58,18% 00:05:38
4921 Metallic Flower Dennis_Greiner 14/01/08 (4+10)x(10+7)x5 594 53,83% 00:05:38
531 Flowers Misty 25/05/04 (7+6)x(6+8)x4 780 50,68% 00:05:38
12996 Cubes thekmonkey 10/11/14 (6+20)x(20+6)x8 1.095 76,30% 00:05:37
12324 Roller Skate ANA_LILI 7/09/13 (5+11)x(17+6)x2 1.552 67,61% 00:05:37
12225 At the Park meszi 18/08/13 (20+6)x(6+5)x6 567 70,10% 00:05:37
7798 Cloud Watching Tsukisaki 28/03/10 (6+7)x(7+6)x8 230 68,37% 00:05:37
7094 Big Cubes Josehanna 9/08/09 (14+14)x(14+14)x7 1.062 79,06% 00:05:37
2201 Crane Car nomen 25/02/06 (12+7)x(5+7)x8 342 69,70% 00:05:37
333 Snail wersha 23/02/04 (10+8)x(10+8)x4 339 63,28% 00:05:37
304 HC Slovan Bratislava bitka 1/02/04 (14+6)x(6+20)x5 740 69,18% 00:05:37
153 Calling Mother Ship talanimal 27/09/03 (9+3)x(5+6)x4 407 53,18% 00:05:37
16110 Cube Variation in Grey meszi 5/02/22 (7+7)x(7+7)x4 316 80,22% 00:05:36
11906 Eye btkbtkbtk 11/04/13 (18+4)x(7+8)x7 871 66,21% 00:05:36
10534 Impossible Triangle lovinbayb4e 9/01/12 (5+25)x(25+5)x4 828 85,28% 00:05:36
Puzles por página
Página nº de 854
Resultado: 17061