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Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17052
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
2482 Basketball koko 3/06/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 292.306 75,75% 00:34:11
2481 Happy Birthday, Griddlers! vixen999 1/06/06 (6+11)x(12+7)x6 189 59,35% 00:07:26
2480 Happy Birthday! Teeaz 1/06/06 (7+19)x(20+16)x8 1.804 58,98% 00:18:05
2479 Happy Birthday elimaor 1/06/06 (18+20)x(20+20)x6 8.264 72,70% 00:42:14
2478 The E-mule Mule eel-house 31/05/06 (4+7)x(6+6)x5 227 52,02% 00:03:28
2477 Tough Love eel-house 31/05/06 (5+4)x(4+7)x2 287 48,47% 00:02:03
2476 Cartman eel-house 31/05/06 (15+10)x(10+10)x8 1.153 60,47% 00:10:52
2475 Penguin magen007 29/05/06 (9+9)x(8+7)x5 560 71,29% 00:05:43
2474 Happy Man magen007 29/05/06 (9+18)x(17+11)x7 1.142 64,78% 00:22:11
2473 Darts bohus 29/05/06 (23+22)x(20+19)x2 107.617 72,76% 00:59:44
2472 Hello! sehber 28/05/06 (3+5)x(7+3)x6 210 50,16% 00:03:07
2471 Table Lamp alibaba 28/05/06 (5+5)x(5+5)x4 275 49,19% 00:01:13
2470 Sad Animal magen007 28/05/06 (12+10)x(10+11)x4 735 58,41% 00:07:53
2469 Sylvester magen007 28/05/06 (14+15)x(14+14)x4 866 80,08% 00:26:07
2468 Spider magen007 28/05/06 (13+10)x(10+12)x2 1.806 69,14% 00:08:18
2467 Ballerina sehber 27/05/06 (4+10)x(10+10)x6 436 48,58% 00:04:15
2466 Weight _unhuman_ 27/05/06 (10+10)x(10+10)x5 659 52,82% 00:04:45
2465 Man and Woman magen007 26/05/06 (11+9)x(8+7)x8 387 62,88% 00:07:13
2464 Strawberry Girl magen007 26/05/06 (14+15)x(6+21)x8 1.261 72,34% 00:16:32
2463 Rose Teeaz 26/05/06 (14+18)x(16+13)x5 2.564 70,87% 00:22:50
Puzles por página
Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17052