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Página nº de 271
Resultado: 5414 de 5414
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
11313 Autobot ANA_LILI 11/09/12 (31+10)x(10+23)x2 6.273 66,30% 00:27:58
11312 Leaf ANA_LILI 11/09/12 (6+5)x(12+5)x2 13.767 66,34% 00:10:49
11309 Optical Illusion - Mother & Child or Bodybuilder? MathLogicLady 10/09/12 (9+31)x(33+17)x2 178.082 60,96% 00:16:02
11303 Kangaroo Lenchik 9/09/12 (14+24)x(35+8)x2 97.856 77,96% 00:33:00
11302 Stallman ANA_LILI 6/09/12 (14+32)x(29+21)x2 5.008 78,20% 00:28:32
11299 Zidane ANA_LILI 6/09/12 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 9.355 73,91% 00:46:04
11298 Egyptian Style Drawing of An Eye MathLogicLady 6/09/12 (29+11)x(17+14)x2 22.484 77,27% 00:17:57
11297 Native American Drawing of Thunderbird MathLogicLady 6/09/12 (27+23)x(23+20)x2 111.151 66,95% 00:24:42
11296 Sunglasses Face ANA_LILI 4/09/12 (27+9)x(9+24)x2 1.434 59,31% 00:12:36
11292 Michael Jackson ANA_LILI 4/09/12 (15+34)x(26+24)x2 6.266 87,50% 00:46:08
11291 Bob Saget ANA_LILI 4/09/12 (15+33)x(27+23)x2 7.596 69,23% 00:35:19
11290 Simple Bird MathLogicLady 4/09/12 (16+7)x(7+18)x2 23.844 63,78% 00:09:37
11289 Native American Drawing of Quail MathLogicLady 4/09/12 (3+31)x(26+22)x2 40.523 71,48% 00:18:04
11288 Native American Drawing of Hare MathLogicLady 4/09/12 (16+28)x(20+24)x2 129.639 62,34% 00:17:41
11287 Transformers ANA_LILI 3/09/12 (35+14)x(14+26)x2 108.500 74,19% 00:40:25
11281 Dancing in Symmetry ANA_LILI 31/08/12 (14+20)x(22+15)x2 8.349 72,70% 00:21:42
11280 Bruce Campbell ANA_LILI 31/08/12 (19+25)x(31+18)x2 15.534 71,50% 00:38:20
11278 Birds on a Wire MathLogicLady 31/08/12 (16+30)x(28+14)x2 42.140 75,64% 00:23:34
11276 Symbol for Fire Department MathLogicLady 27/08/12 (11+29)x(29+20)x2 107.027 52,54% 00:12:05
11275 Lightning ANA_LILI 26/08/12 (17+11)x(11+14)x2 701 62,18% 00:02:57
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Página nº de 271
Resultado: 5414 de 5414