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Dibujos animados y Cómics: Animación: Televisión: Winnie the Pooh

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Resultado: 33 de 33
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
4674 Pooh sofiablom 13/11/07 (25+23)x(23+26)x8 1.197 75,32% 00:40:42
4535 Roo's Best Friend yolinde 7/10/07 (17+27)x(25+22)x5 2.534 81,96% 00:51:11
4190 Pooh and Piglet poohie 8/07/07 (20+30)x(30+20)x6 2.144 81,44% 01:00:13
1363 Piglet bepklep 25/04/05 (15+31)x(25+18)x4 4.142 80,00% 00:43:47
1343 Winnie the Pooh bepklep 16/04/05 (16+22)x(28+14)x5 2.941 88,66% 00:42:54
957 Tiger Lui 11/01/05 (8+8)x(29+8)x6 2.647 82,10% 00:38:36
953 Big Balloon Lui 10/01/05 (11+8)x(21+11)x6 1.443 75,40% 00:22:25
909 Eeyore Inbar_b_y 26/12/04 (21+24)x(20+10)x7 1.910 88,32% 00:33:13
908 Eeyore the Angel Inbar_b_y 26/12/04 (12+26)x(27+17)x8 3.043 80,77% 00:44:23
869 Winnie the Pooh Inbar_b_y 14/12/04 (22+23)x(26+12)x8 2.255 89,47% 01:01:32
723 So Blue Without You yolinde 10/10/04 (11+19)x(20+8)x5 1.265 87,79% 00:34:17
716 Bouncing fineke 3/10/04 (18+11)x(10+15)x5 728 83,99% 00:30:01
533 Pooh JynxsMom 25/05/04 (10+10)x(9+10)x4 371 59,78% 00:08:24
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Resultado: 33 de 33