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Resultado: 97 de 97
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
13796 Malika Favre - Aries ana_lili 13/03/16 (24+25)x(26+24)x7 2.510 85,00% 00:34:38
13768 Max Kisman - What Do You See First? ana_lili 16/02/16 (20+25)x(19+31)x2 3.123 77,02% 00:20:21
13767 Max Kisman ana_lili 16/02/16 (9+29)x(32+17)x2 3.753 70,98% 00:25:18
13763 Pram by Miguel Porlan ana_lili 8/02/16 (15+16)x(18+18)x4 3.134 76,52% 00:10:05
13757 Romero Britto - Another Fish ana_lili 4/02/16 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 4.935 88,52% 00:50:17
13707 Romero Britto - Cat ana_lili 15/01/16 (25+25)x(25+22)x8 9.787 88,89% 02:16:10
13698 Romero Britto - Cat and Dog ANA_LILI 6/01/16 (25+25)x(25+16)x8 5.514 82,61% 01:42:36
13664 The Great Wave Cardagain 6/10/15 (18+22)x(17+20)x8 1.363 79,33% 01:14:06
13655 Romero Britto - Car ANA_LILI 6/09/15 (25+25)x(25+16)x8 1.954 85,18% 01:26:49
13646 Romero Britto - Self Portrait ANA_LILI 26/08/15 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 12.486 84,38% 01:53:08
13639 Romero Britto - Owl ANA_LILI 20/08/15 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 8.064 91,67% 02:02:11
13626 Romero Britto - Dog ANA_LILI 12/08/15 (25+24)x(25+23)x8 14.490 87,93% 01:16:06
13606 Romero Britto - Butterfly ANA_LILI 9/08/15 (34+15)x(16+20)x8 4.554 86,98% 01:28:03
13577 Romero Britto - Crab ANA_LILI 4/08/15 (23+27)x(20+25)x8 5.709 85,00% 01:49:11
13554 Romero Britto - Heart ANA_LILI 30/07/15 (32+17)x(18+20)x8 3.920 83,17% 00:50:16
13546 Romero Britto, Bear ANA_LILI 29/07/15 (25+25)x(25+20)x8 3.061 85,20% 01:30:08
13539 Romero Britto, Boat ANA_LILI 27/07/15 (27+23)x(23+24)x8 7.899 89,83% 02:34:36
13532 Romero Britto - Tea ANA_LILI 21/07/15 (25+25)x(25+22)x8 6.832 91,18% 01:45:45
13516 Romero Britto, Happy Fish ANA_LILI 14/07/15 (28+22)x(22+19)x8 6.243 87,98% 01:25:06
13506 Romero Britto, Apple ANA_LILI 2/07/15 (30+20)x(20+25)x8 6.043 88,16% 01:36:37
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Resultado: 97 de 97