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Resultado: 122 de 122
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
1429 One Day After the Night Before fineke 13/06/05 (24+17)x(20+9)x2 85.802 77,18% 00:19:34
1316 Get Out! ping 9/04/05 (12+8)x(8+10)x7 636 59,14% 00:11:27
1273 Bad Luck carootje 19/03/05 (12+9)x(10+13)x2 2.456 52,29% 00:12:53
1272 Cat at Night karlicos 19/03/05 (7+27)x(15+16)x6 3.007 65,82% 00:11:37
1231 This Way xtemp 13/03/05 (19+3)x(8+4)x2 2.161 61,28% 00:06:28
1230 Sleeping Kitty xtemp 13/03/05 (14+13)x(13+12)x4 3.737 58,12% 00:23:01
1189 Tribute to Cleo xtemp 1/03/05 (9+5)x(6+6)x4 324 45,35% 00:05:44
1097 One... Two... Three... myvalice 13/02/05 (40+3)x(3+3)x8 328 54,10% 00:05:07
1077 Cats myvalice 12/02/05 (22+5)x(5+5)x7 642 56,76% 00:08:29
1046 Cats Oskar 30/01/05 (8+8)x(9+8)x6 532 61,34% 00:06:08
986 Lazing Lui 21/01/05 (24+17)x(19+14)x5 5.465 88,46% 00:56:52
941 Cat Lui 5/01/05 (30+20)x(20+20)x7 8.819 88,46% 01:48:04
919 Cat black_cat 28/12/04 (7+12)x(19+8)x2 3.218 53,58% 00:08:35
877 Sleepy fineke 16/12/04 (21+17)x(22+6)x5 2.388 82,42% 00:53:26
605 Cat Ra100 30/06/04 (5+5)x(2+5)x2 79 45,80% 00:01:33
523 Cats ulka 24/05/04 (3+3)x(3+3)x5 61 46,54% 00:02:23
300 Looking Through the Glass wiggles 30/01/04 (12+8)x(8+10)x3 852 72,44% 00:10:40
213 Dark Side's Spy crevette 1/01/04 (5+5)x(5+4)x3 216 52,62% 00:02:07
150 Kitty inka 26/09/03 (6+3)x(3+5)x3 66 63,30% 00:02:06
149 Cat talanimal 25/09/03 (7+10)x(10+6)x2 954 58,04% 00:03:48
Puzles por página
Página nº de 7
Resultado: 122 de 122