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Ciencias: Astronomía y el Espacio: Galaxias

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ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
11440 Constellation: Sagittarius The Archer bejjinks 28/10/12 (22+19)x(23+10)x5 2.456 74,62% 00:23:52
11438 Constellation: Delphinus bejjinks 28/10/12 (25+25)x(10+18)x4 2.879 78,80% 00:14:13
11437 Constellation: Cygnus bejjinks 28/10/12 (22+21)x(12+23)x4 4.009 68,06% 00:20:59
11436 Constellation: Leo bejjinks 28/10/12 (26+18)x(24+8)x4 5.802 80,24% 00:23:11
11408 Constellation - Scorpio MathLogicLady 16/10/12 (23+20)x(26+24)x3 28.371 85,08% 00:48:09
11396 Constellation - Ursa Minor MathLogicLady 11/10/12 (10+21)x(9+18)x3 1.630 71,92% 00:08:32
11386 Constellation - Orion The Great Hunter MathLogicLady 9/10/12 (22+20)x(21+28)x3 8.508 78,77% 00:36:15
11384 Constellation - Ursa Major MathLogicLady 7/10/12 (23+26)x(20+20)x4 7.029 75,82% 00:28:35
10820 Milky Way jadespade 25/03/12 (16+24)x(31+14)x8 6.121 70,52% 00:34:38
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