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Sociedad: Religión: Historias Bíblicas

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Resultado: 15 de 15
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
11713 Adam and Eve summerwalker 19/02/13 (10+11)x(15+3)x8 525 67,68% 00:08:49
8545 Day 7: God Rested from all His Work galocha2003 15/08/10 (18+31)x(24+18)x2 104.501 59,38% 00:12:19
8544 Day 6: God Made the Animals and the Man galocha2003 15/08/10 (20+19)x(30+16)x3 103.498 69,74% 00:41:04
8543 Day 5: God Made the Sea Creatures and Birds galocha2003 15/08/10 (22+27)x(26+21)x3 30.480 60,94% 00:25:19
8542 Day 4: God Made the Sun, Moon and Stars galocha2003 15/08/10 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 200.172 70,13% 00:34:18
8541 Day 3: God Made Dry Land and Plants galocha2003 15/08/10 (24+25)x(25+24)x2 146.791 65,28% 00:26:52
8540 Day 2: God Made the Sky and the Water galocha2003 15/08/10 (22+24)x(24+20)x2 100.483 64,42% 00:26:44
8539 Day 1: God Divided the Light from the Darkness galocha2003 15/08/10 (28+22)x(16+26)x2 78.941 62,50% 00:37:17
7739 Eve's Snake galocha2003 28/02/10 (19+25)x(31+16)x2 195.285 67,86% 00:36:30
7734 Babel Tower galocha2003 18/02/10 (11+32)x(31+14)x2 161.802 70,00% 01:04:51
7732 Abraham Sacrifice galocha2003 18/02/10 (17+28)x(30+19)x3 221.894 65,67% 00:43:00
7649 Noah's Arch galocha2003 11/01/10 (25+19)x(20+13)x2 50.350 65,53% 00:29:20
4575 Snake oritc999 15/10/07 (4+10)x(13+4)x7 666 56,84% 00:06:11
3879 Project for the Tower of Babylon JackOfSpades 22/03/07 (18+26)x(17+21)x4 1.435 79,70% 00:36:59
2324 We Made It! PernilleHH 27/03/06 (9+11)x(10+10)x8 357 65,04% 00:09:25
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