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Reino Animal: Mamíferos: Leones

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Resultado: 44 de 44
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
5119 Lion xxLadyJxx 14/02/08 (8+18)x(19+11)x4 630 67,04% 00:13:25
4795 King of the Jungle ferloft101 16/12/07 (8+18)x(18+9)x2 24.778 67,65% 00:11:35
4740 Lion vivimagi 27/11/07 (28+21)x(26+24)x6 2.519 79,76% 01:05:25
4705 Lion amsterdam 22/11/07 (27+23)x(21+13)x2 51.196 70,92% 00:24:49
4661 Lion amsterdam 11/11/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 11.235 86,28% 01:35:10
4281 My Pet kamamamka 31/07/07 (6+8)x(7+7)x6 436 65,72% 00:08:51
3995 Lion unwound 6/05/07 (23+25)x(27+23)x2 151.062 87,17% 01:36:22
3699 The Champ fineke 4/02/07 (23+22)x(25+20)x5 10.184 89,63% 02:37:10
3321 Lion koko 19/11/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 171.055 71,74% 01:00:05
3076 Lion koko 8/10/06 (24+26)x(22+28)x3 384.374 81,99% 01:17:35
2965 I Want You! koko 21/09/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 563.294 74,70% 01:40:53
2554 Three Color Lion sjoerdtd 30/06/06 (10+28)x(32+18)x4 10.630 69,32% 00:39:41
2442 The King koko 14/05/06 (9+29)x(31+19)x3 185.231 84,62% 01:24:02
1793 Lion koko 1/12/05 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 42.469 88,12% 02:44:15
1772 Lion koko 27/11/05 (19+17)x(26+20)x3 102.817 75,28% 00:51:53
1762 Lion King amsterdam 25/11/05 (21+23)x(27+21)x2 196.655 76,84% 01:03:02
1660 On the Move Again Amoebe 28/10/05 (12+34)x(20+30)x4 3.200 90,49% 01:18:48
1453 Heraldic Lion Flurk 11/07/05 (24+21)x(24+19)x2 42.635 85,49% 01:58:07
1438 Out of Africa fineke 20/06/05 (21+26)x(25+21)x2 123.572 91,79% 01:59:53
840 King of the Jungle douglas_itoh 3/12/04 (20+20)x(20+16)x6 12.151 63,13% 00:32:28
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Resultado: 44 de 44