Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Advanced - Color, Vol. 4
Pages:50Puzzles: 40
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
3409 | Mrs. Potts | wiggles | 28/02/03 | 45x50x7 f | 505.587 | |
5851 | Blowing Bubbles | wiggles | 02/09/03 | 50x50x6 f | 430.609 | |
26408 | Grapes | 433 | 07/10/05 | 38x44x8 f | 113.764 | |
29876 | Dolphin | dreamtheater | 14/01/06 | 50x50x3 f | 15.437.890 | |
32793 | Parrot | koali | 22/04/06 | 50x44x8 f | 163.859 | |
33435 | Warning: A Thief! | Andreasss | 11/05/06 | 50x50x3 f | 132.688.960 | |
35573 | Marlene Dietrich | Thomas_J | 09/07/06 | 45x50x4 f | 144.342 | |
40602 | Terminator | arcer | 10/12/06 | 40x50x4 f | 83.386 | |
45245 | Japan 2 | ElinaMaria | 30/04/07 | 45x50x6 f | 185.687 | |
45578 | July IV MDCCLXXVI | arcer | 10/05/07 | 50x50x4 f | 1.025.821 | |
46573 | Welcome to Australia | mrozman | 04/06/07 | 50x50x3 f | 132.011 | |
47429 | Nostalgic Gentleman | mayanas | 24/06/07 | 50x50x5 f | 112.721 | |
52138 | Desert Storm | petuledan | 24/10/07 | 50x50x3 f | 11.081.906 | |
52281 | Young Face | tabernak | 28/10/07 | 40x40x7 f | 87.993 | |
54463 | Bird | tbs | 02/12/07 | 43x47x5 f | 237.798 | |
55223 | Frog | vivimagi | 13/12/07 | 48x42x4 f | 132.331 | |
55433 | Pears | vivimagi | 17/12/07 | 50x50x8 f | 164.449 | |
55436 | Lemons | vivimagi | 17/12/07 | 47x33x5 f | 66.406 | |
64105 | Dragon | elimaor | 02/06/08 | 50x50x3 f | 48.277.928 | |
66841 | Eagle | zjmonty | 23/07/08 | 48x48x8 f | 93.725 | |
66880 | Petunia | xitvono | 24/07/08 | 50x50x4 f | 2.245.718 | |
68190 | Purple Butterfly | zjmonty | 17/08/08 | 50x50x3 f | 10.125.036 | |
68601 | Have a Shower | claruschka | 26/08/08 | 50x50x4 f | 7.445.793 | |
70599 | Waiting | kelebekpp | 15/10/08 | 50x50x3 f | 3.174.668 | |
71044 | Glowing Cat | zjmonty | 27/10/08 | 50x50x5 f | 549.788 | |
74344 | Hamster | hi19hi19 | 12/01/09 | 50x50x5 f | 218.359 | |
74347 | Nightmare Fodder | Glucklich | 12/01/09 | 50x40x5 f | 79.020 | |
74504 | Squirrel | xitvono | 14/01/09 | 50x50x4 f | 5.548.779 | |
75044 | Man in Turban | hi19hi19 | 25/01/09 | 42x50x7 f | 1.029.714 | |
75136 | Persian Cat | taratibu2 | 26/01/09 | 50x45x7 f | 282.619 | |
75376 | Tree | willem | 29/01/09 | 50x50x5 f | 369.256 | |
76206 | Parrot | Andreasss | 18/02/09 | 50x50x3 f | 20.218.662 | |
76793 | Pansy | Bee | 02/03/09 | 41x42x5 f | 44.924 | |
76959 | Rest in Red | hi19hi19 | 08/03/09 | 50x50x3 f | 59.800 | |
79803 | Lobster | willem | 24/05/09 | 37x46x5 f | 169.378 | |
80095 | Woodland Strawberries | saraepetersson | 01/06/09 | 45x50x5 f | 176.150 | |
81558 | A Moment of Quiet Contemplation | Glucklich | 15/07/09 | 50x50x5 f | 247.787 | |
82481 | Squirrel Monkey | xitvono | 06/08/09 | 50x50x5 f | 4.690.894 | |
83285 | Ocelot | Andreasss | 24/08/09 | 50x50x3 f | 40.483.413 | |
83351 | Alpaca | xitvono | 25/08/09 | 50x50x4 f | 3.099.132 |