Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Standard - Color, Vol. 4
Pages:54Puzzles: 84
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
8733 | Wild Pansy | JynxsMom | 26/03/04 | 20x30x8 f | 2.119 | |
9990 | Bread | HSpring | 18/05/04 | 8x7x3 f | 1.400 | |
20812 | Tractor | GOVOLS | 13/04/05 | 10x10x4 f | 44 | |
24426 | Dog | netty | 22/07/05 | 14x14x5 f | 950 | |
26109 | School Bus | MRBEAFY | 24/09/05 | 25x8x3 f | 124 | |
32675 | Salute! | tlym | 18/04/06 | 20x17x3 f | 886 | |
34867 | Bird | Nicky | 22/06/06 | 13x17x5 f | 394 | |
35713 | Crown | ellenmarie | 14/07/06 | 15x12x4 f | 784 | |
36108 | Crab | Nicky | 26/07/06 | 14x14x5 f | 667 | |
44116 | Umbrella | Codface | 27/03/07 | 10x10x3 f | 25 | |
46307 | Summer Fun | Nicky | 27/05/07 | 26x22x7 f | 10.320 | |
46715 | Hopping Bunny | Nicky | 06/06/07 | 23x25x7 f | 18.989 | |
47387 | Rudolph | Nicky | 22/06/07 | 14x16x5 f | 316 | |
47459 | Rabbit | iremnur | 24/06/07 | 15x12x3 f | 1.513 | |
48060 | Palm Tree | senaner | 09/07/07 | 20x30x3 f | 1.839 | |
49007 | Bell | iremnur | 08/08/07 | 15x20x3 f | 1.209 | |
51512 | Hazelnut | iremnur | 10/10/07 | 10x10x4 f | 215 | |
58474 | Little Rabbit | tenten_k | 18/02/08 | 25x25x4 f | 17.713 | |
59107 | Tank | redserpent7 | 04/03/08 | 15x12x4 f | 513 | |
60042 | Plane Flying in the Sky | sebeshs | 18/03/08 | 15x10x6 f | 922 | |
60507 | Green Apple | Najada | 31/03/08 | 23x25x6 f | 1.043 | |
62795 | House | Miguel76 | 06/05/08 | 25x25x8 f | 12.367 | |
63635 | Apple | mavit | 23/05/08 | 10x10x3 f | 27 | |
66278 | Radish | barcuyvers | 13/07/08 | 25x25x6 f | 13.753 | |
67812 | Cat Nap | jjan | 10/08/08 | 20x10x4 f | 587 | |
78753 | Easy Apple | Michaelamm | 22/04/09 | 10x15x4 f | 74 | |
85394 | Kitty | LoBer | 17/10/09 | 23x25x3 f | 6.951 | |
86144 | House | galisand | 05/11/09 | 9x7x5 f | 35 | |
87453 | Chick | tomtal | 12/12/09 | 14x16x5 f | 616 | |
91927 | Frog | farfalla19 | 24/03/10 | 12x9x5 f | 213 | |
95590 | Butterfly | farfalla19 | 26/06/10 | 11x9x4 f | 200 | |
95907 | Palm Tree | clake3879 | 03/07/10 | 16x21x6 f | 3.944 | |
103056 | Tractor | elimaor | 26/12/10 | 25x25x3 f | 9.350 | |
108927 | Cherries | Lenchik | 07/05/11 | 10x10x3 f | 147 | |
112849 | Rose | Feeenzauber | 09/08/11 | 15x20x3 f | 909 | |
113608 | Turtle | Lenchik | 01/09/11 | 18x9x4 f | 230 | |
113751 | Leaf | elimaor | 07/09/11 | 15x20x4 f | 1.078 | |
115416 | Present | danusia03 | 01/11/11 | 17x13x3 f | 482 | |
115736 | Lollipop | danusia03 | 08/11/11 | 7x16x4 f | 95 | |
117764 | Grape | banane4joy | 01/01/12 | 30x20x5 f | 26.625 | |
119227 | Hedge Trimmer | clake3879 | 04/02/12 | 25x10x4 f | 485 | |
121254 | Red Flowers | Trinity35 | 31/03/12 | 10x10x3 f | 123 | |
124995 | Hat | bepklep | 11/07/12 | 20x15x3 f | 2.863 | |
126752 | Teapot | beren2005 | 14/08/12 | 28x22x6 f | 28.766 | |
127376 | Rudolph | Nicky | 31/08/12 | 20x30x8 f | 11.670 | |
127538 | Just Plastic for the Little Girl | Nicky | 03/09/12 | 15x20x3 f | 1.775 | |
127888 | Cotton | Nicky | 11/09/12 | 20x30x5 f | 2.639 | |
128260 | Turtle | Nicky | 23/09/12 | 22x10x5 f | 568 | |
128274 | Bee | Nicky | 23/09/12 | 12x8x4 f | 88 | |
128680 | Little Blue Bird | Nicky | 06/10/12 | 15x15x4 f | 562 | |
129006 | Sand Bucket | Nicky | 17/10/12 | 8x7x4 f | 72 | |
129069 | Maple | Nicky | 20/10/12 | 15x15x4 f | 1.267 | |
129070 | Tiny Giraffe | beren2005 | 20/10/12 | 15x20x4 f | 3.543 | |
130211 | Snail | Nicky | 01/12/12 | 15x10x4 f | 913 | |
130624 | Flying Around | Nicky | 19/12/12 | 13x17x5 f | 1.194 | |
130706 | Twinkle Star | suck | 23/12/12 | 10x10x3 f | 306 | |
130822 | Bitten | Nicky | 01/01/13 | 6x8x4 f | 34 | |
130923 | Christmas Wreath | Nicky | 10/01/13 | 10x10x4 f | 311 | |
131325 | Duck | Nicky | 28/01/13 | 30x20x8 f | 7.934 | |
132818 | Ladybird | Nicky | 20/02/13 | 10x10x3 f | 103 | |
135101 | Got Some Sand | Nicky | 18/05/13 | 16x11x6 f | 339 | |
135147 | Heart | Fred9 | 19/05/13 | 11x10x3 f | 279 | |
135440 | Dessert | Nicky | 01/06/13 | 26x23x8 f | 2.103 | |
135717 | Silhouette | Nicky | 08/06/13 | 21x12x3 f | 726 | |
138170 | Little Tractor | meszi | 25/09/13 | 21x16x5 f | 2.384 | |
138315 | Peacock | meszi | 08/10/13 | 26x23x6 f | 10.718 | |
138549 | Mini Cake | Nicky | 26/10/13 | 7x8x5 f | 18 | |
138885 | Banana | Nicky | 09/11/13 | 9x11x5 f | 99 | |
138941 | Parrots | meszi | 10/11/13 | 23x25x7 f | 3.496 | |
139854 | Cabriolet | Nicky | 28/12/13 | 19x8x5 f | 420 | |
139856 | Flying | Nicky | 28/12/13 | 20x10x4 f | 615 | |
140145 | Breeding | Nicky | 04/01/14 | 15x10x6 f | 284 | |
140394 | Swan | Nicky | 11/01/14 | 11x10x5 f | 53 | |
142097 | Tomato | rcn | 12/04/14 | 7x7x3 f | 6 | |
142103 | Fish | Nicky | 12/04/14 | 20x15x4 f | 1.893 | |
142331 | Fish | Nicky | 03/05/14 | 20x10x3 f | 1.633 | |
142539 | Strawberry | meszi | 17/05/14 | 25x23x3 f | 2.473 | |
143506 | Playing in The Mud | Nicky | 05/07/14 | 20x15x4 f | 1.306 |