Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Extra Large - Black and White, Vol. 7
Pages:54Puzzles: 35
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
143515 | Music | dreamtheater | 06/07/14 | 80x45x2 f | 3.827.202 | |
143720 | Train Station | elimaor | 10/07/14 | 85x85x2 f | 6.190.136 | |
144274 | Fish | roodar | 07/08/14 | 75x60x2 t | 340.889 | |
144377 | Horse | roodar | 12/08/14 | 65x70x2 t | 2.651.065 | |
144440 | Cat | roodar | 18/08/14 | 75x75x2 f | 743.280 | |
144517 | Panther | roodar | 25/08/14 | 75x65x2 f | 517.105 | |
144564 | Aries | roodar | 31/08/14 | 70x60x2 f | 1.576.330 | |
144593 | Janneke | Pellis | 02/09/14 | 35x85x2 f | 118.973 | |
144698 | Eagle | roodar | 07/09/14 | 75x70x2 f | 391.394 | |
144764 | Phoenix | roodar | 08/09/14 | 40x75x2 f | 133.066 | |
144858 | Man | roodar | 15/09/14 | 75x75x2 f | 1.751.449 | |
144935 | John Forsythe | roodar | 16/09/14 | 70x75x2 f | 80.133 | |
144938 | Dolphin | Nicky | 16/09/14 | 75x35x2 f | 9.397 | |
144965 | Croc | Nicky | 17/09/14 | 60x15x2 f | 3.066 | |
145029 | Swan | roodar | 21/09/14 | 75x75x2 f | 2.361.061 | |
145030 | Kermit | Romi | 21/09/14 | 45x65x2 f | 1.389.790 | |
145058 | Cup of Coffee | Chriswag | 23/09/14 | 60x70x2 f | 857.544 | |
145164 | Swan | elimaor | 29/09/14 | 70x45x2 f | 5.470 | |
145173 | Mr. Laurel | roodar | 30/09/14 | 50x75x2 f | 227.933 | |
145174 | Mr. Hardy | roodar | 30/09/14 | 55x75x2 f | 214.034 | |
145175 | Trumpet | sjiun | 30/09/14 | 100x32x2 f | 104.742 | |
145269 | Cupid | roodar | 02/10/14 | 75x70x2 f | 830.942 | |
145271 | Tree | elimaor | 02/10/14 | 60x80x2 f | 76.274 | |
145305 | Sailing | roodar | 05/10/14 | 60x75x2 f | 301.944 | |
145307 | Tennis | kikiki | 05/10/14 | 40x90x2 f | 131.587 | |
145352 | Smurf | roodar | 07/10/14 | 70x70x2 f | 3.830.927 | |
145376 | Dog | roodar | 09/10/14 | 75x55x2 f | 1.702.583 | |
145419 | Bull | roodar | 12/10/14 | 95x90x2 f | 4.454.455 | |
145450 | Athena | roodar | 13/10/14 | 70x75x2 f | 330.753 | |
150946 | Lewis Hamilton (F1) | roodar | 15/02/15 | 65x75x2 f | 465.311 | |
157582 | Poseidon | roodar | 17/06/15 | 65x75x2 f | 2.315.198 | |
159016 | Zodiac - Scorpio | roodar | 23/07/15 | 65x75x2 f | 3.907.994 | |
167936 | Falcon | roodar | 14/12/15 | 70x60x2 f | 137.163 | |
169982 | Eagle | roodar | 14/01/16 | 55x75x2 f | 64.008 | |
275868 | Drummer | elad | 20/11/23 | 65x55x2 f | 693.345 |