Libri Griddlers

Triddlers - Black and White, Vol. 2
Pages:49Puzzles: 61
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
6 | Samurai | Ra100 | 29/05/03 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 556 | |
7 | Aladdin's Lamp | Ra100 | 29/05/03 | (4+3)x(4+3)x2 | 94 | |
54 | Women in Black | wersha | 01/07/03 | (12+8)x(8+10)x2 | 1.059 | |
61 | Close Encounter | jer | 04/07/03 | (18+6)x(6+4)x2 | 486 | |
98 | Elephant | talanimal | 21/07/03 | (9+8)x(9+7)x2 | 1.814 | |
149 | Cat | talanimal | 25/09/03 | (7+10)x(10+6)x2 | 954 | |
200 | Don't Touch This One! | crevette | 31/12/03 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 1.327 | |
252 | Bulldog | wiggles | 05/01/04 | (4+4)x(4+4)x2 | 117 | |
260 | The Only Love Money Can Buy | talanimal | 09/01/04 | (10+12)x(10+11)x2 | 6.377 | |
284 | Helicopter | flim | 19/01/04 | (6+4)x(4+5)x2 | 1.221 | |
322 | Circle of Life | wiggles | 13/02/04 | (20+19)x(20+20)x2 | 7.558 | |
363 | Giraffe | Ra100 | 10/03/04 | (7+17)x(11+14)x2 | 3.155 | |
379 | Flowers | bitka | 14/03/04 | (15+14)x(13+17)x2 | 16.496 | |
385 | Scooter | bitka | 15/03/04 | (9+8)x(8+4)x2 | 1.473 | |
404 | Smiley | just_tami | 10/04/04 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 234 | |
416 | Tennis | Ra100 | 15/04/04 | (5+10)x(5+10)x2 | 544 | |
551 | Badger | carootje | 01/06/04 | (10+3)x(3+9)x2 | 358 | |
601 | Darts Game | Ra100 | 27/06/04 | (11+11)x(16+10)x2 | 8.822 | |
604 | Frog Silhouette | Ra100 | 27/06/04 | (10+9)x(10+10)x2 | 1.152 | |
609 | Ferdo the Ant | Ra100 | 02/07/04 | (4+25)x(16+21)x2 | 16.285 | |
620 | Spider | bublifuk | 21/07/04 | (6+7)x(7+6)x2 | 471 | |
621 | Giraffe | bublifuk | 21/07/04 | (7+5)x(12+1)x2 | 728 | |
632 | Scissors | Ra100 | 21/07/04 | (12+11)x(12+12)x2 | 1.578 | |
639 | Ida | Ra100 | 22/07/04 | (14+23)x(22+27)x2 | 21.096 | |
665 | Swimming | carootje | 31/07/04 | (6+7)x(5+3)x2 | 463 | |
669 | Sheep | rehacik | 14/08/04 | (30+18)x(13+27)x2 | 79.302 | |
688 | Bishop | marelo | 28/08/04 | (3+17)x(17+12)x2 | 1.116 | |
714 | 101 | fineke | 03/10/04 | (22+11)x(8+20)x3 | 39.575 | |
739 | Lala | Ra100 | 18/10/04 | (2+16)x(16+11)x2 | 1.184 | |
744 | Garbage Truck | Ra100 | 20/10/04 | (12+16)x(5+22)x2 | 1.497 | |
745 | Spider in the Web | Ra100 | 20/10/04 | (15+15)x(15+15)x2 | 1.383 | |
747 | Castle | Ra100 | 20/10/04 | (10+10)x(10+3)x2 | 773 | |
758 | Tree | Ra100 | 21/10/04 | (25+15)x(17+24)x2 | 21.608 | |
760 | Crane | Ra100 | 21/10/04 | (7+15)x(14+16)x2 | 1.548 | |
773 | Pear | Ra100 | 23/10/04 | (13+3)x(15+7)x2 | 1.488 | |
776 | Laptop | Ra100 | 26/10/04 | (15+6)x(14+6)x2 | 1.457 | |
806 | Bat | black_cat | 14/11/04 | (8+8)x(7+9)x2 | 1.658 | |
807 | Key | carootje | 14/11/04 | (7+4)x(13+5)x2 | 1.632 | |
808 | Exit Sign | carootje | 14/11/04 | (9+7)x(8+5)x2 | 1.147 | |
822 | Car | black_cat | 24/11/04 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 2.463 | |
827 | Peanut on Ice | fineke | 28/11/04 | (36+14)x(13+15)x2 | 111.656 | |
834 | Church | Ra100 | 30/11/04 | (12+5)x(9+10)x2 | 799 | |
936 | Snow | carootje | 02/01/05 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 361 | |
1001 | Walk | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (10+7)x(7+13)x2 | 2.660 | |
1005 | Boeing or Airbus? | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (12+4)x(4+3)x2 | 252 | |
1008 | Sunflower | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (7+6)x(13+5)x2 | 1.513 | |
1013 | Cherry | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (8+5)x(14+3)x2 | 789 | |
1017 | Steamroller | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (10+6)x(10+5)x2 | 1.041 | |
1027 | Happy Birthday, Mister... | fineke | 28/01/05 | (15+29)x(29+20)x2 | 13.633 | |
1029 | Locomotive | Ra100 | 29/01/05 | (15+7)x(14+4)x2 | 4.383 | |
1037 | Banjo | Ra100 | 30/01/05 | (17+6)x(6+6)x2 | 531 | |
1038 | Guitar | Ra100 | 30/01/05 | (20+5)x(5+5)x2 | 660 | |
1040 | Viola | Ra100 | 30/01/05 | (6+20)x(9+17)x2 | 2.456 | |
1043 | Drums | Ra100 | 30/01/05 | (17+8)x(5+10)x2 | 3.898 | |
1044 | Fujara Player | Ra100 | 30/01/05 | (11+16)x(17+19)x2 | 7.164 | |
1065 | Hanger | esra | 10/02/05 | (6+11)x(11+1)x2 | 1.233 | |
1111 | Guide Trefoil | kathrynha | 14/02/05 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 1.908 | |
1123 | F Clef | esra | 22/02/05 | (16+15)x(25+2)x2 | 25.508 | |
1125 | 16th | esra | 22/02/05 | (9+11)x(25+5)x2 | 2.028 | |
1195 | Lantern | esra | 03/03/05 | (7+17)x(16+20)x2 | 7.826 | |
1205 | Pencil | black_cat | 04/03/05 | (3+12)x(12+15)x2 | 2.017 |