Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Theme Christmas - Black and White, Vol. 2
Pages:48Puzzles: 40
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
6685 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 t | 142.372 | |
6686 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 t | 103.173 | |
6687 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 t | 324.600 | |
6688 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 t | 343.336 | |
6689 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 f | 915.712 | |
6690 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 t | 254.139 | |
6691 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 f | 107.466 | |
6692 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 f | 211.386 | |
6693 | Singing for Christmas | Misty | 30/11/03 | 42x44x2 f | 63.471 | |
6716 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 921 | |
6717 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 244.626 | |
6718 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 6.658 | |
6719 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 234.891 | |
6720 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 128.602 | |
6721 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 02/12/03 | 42x43x2 f | 45.036 | |
6722 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 540.856 | |
6723 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 574.310 | |
6724 | Christmas Cookies | Misty | 01/12/03 | 42x43x2 t | 677.218 | |
6729 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 t | 3.366 | |
6730 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 70.573 | |
6731 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 15.285 | |
6732 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 4.393 | |
6733 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 39.825 | |
6734 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 5.743 | |
6735 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 t | 319.660 | |
6736 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 t | 44.392 | |
6737 | Christmas Stocking | Misty | 02/12/03 | 32x41x2 f | 6.230 | |
6752 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 145.862 | |
6753 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 920.087 | |
6754 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 814.410 | |
6755 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 224.996 | |
6756 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 101.849 | |
6757 | Santa Claus | Misty | 03/12/03 | 47x45x2 t | 370.671 | |
23498 | Bells | elimaor | 26/06/05 | 30x35x2 f | 28.023 | |
23499 | Bells | elimaor | 26/06/05 | 30x35x2 f | 15.040 | |
29082 | Sled | carootje | 22/12/05 | 33x14x2 t | 10.544 | |
29083 | Sled | carootje | 22/12/05 | 30x14x2 t | 2.171 | |
39991 | Happy Holidays | ArizGal | 19/11/06 | 50x50x2 t | 84.912 | |
39992 | Happy Holidays | ArizGal | 19/11/06 | 50x50x2 t | 93.244 | |
39993 | Happy Holidays | ArizGal | 19/11/06 | 50x50x2 f | 162.833 |