Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Theme World of Green - Black and White
Pages:48Puzzles: 58
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
362 | Flower | woa | 04/06/02 | 30x30x2 f | 77.994 | |
670 | Worm | woa | 15/06/02 | 25x25x2 f | 4.020 | |
800 | Bonsai Tree | woa | 30/07/02 | 30x35x2 f | 39.006 | |
1009 | Tropical | woa | 30/07/02 | 25x40x2 f | 60.382 | |
1030 | Fruit | woa | 12/08/02 | 35x34x2 f | 275.021 | |
1780 | Flower | zaphod | 13/10/02 | 15x15x2 f | 6.241 | |
2088 | Cactus | Janko | 27/10/02 | 20x30x2 f | 2.738 | |
2629 | Rose | rehak | 19/12/02 | 25x30x2 f | 25.292 | |
3154 | Mushroom | maarten001 | 24/01/03 | 20x20x2 f | 3.441 | |
3295 | Dog-Rose | tono | 13/02/03 | 20x25x2 f | 2.703 | |
3323 | Flower | tono | 17/02/03 | 20x25x2 f | 20.957 | |
3356 | Month Rose | tono | 19/02/03 | 20x25x2 f | 5.711 | |
3376 | Sunflower | tono | 24/02/03 | 25x25x2 f | 4.723 | |
3402 | Dandelion (Taraxacum) | tono | 27/02/03 | 20x25x2 f | 20.834 | |
3455 | Marguerite Flower | tono | 06/03/03 | 25x25x2 f | 6.983 | |
4729 | Cattails | TNT | 25/05/03 | 30x50x2 f | 30.835 | |
4738 | Apple | tono | 29/05/03 | 25x25x2 f | 4.382 | |
5061 | Apple | tono | 18/06/03 | 25x25x2 f | 6.296 | |
5245 | Daffodil | tono | 08/07/03 | 20x35x2 f | 10.452 | |
6407 | Acorn | wiggles | 31/10/03 | 30x34x2 f | 8.084 | |
6409 | Maple Leaf | wiggles | 31/10/03 | 50x47x2 f | 11.329 | |
6534 | Sweet Briar | ulka | 17/11/03 | 25x35x2 f | 12.822 | |
6535 | Grapes | ulka | 17/11/03 | 20x40x2 f | 12.176 | |
6739 | Rose | zukov | 03/12/03 | 25x25x2 f | 9.449 | |
9165 | Strawberry | Faqt | 12/04/04 | 42x50x2 f | 25.425 | |
10304 | Tree | tiptop08 | 26/05/04 | 28x24x2 f | 4.205 | |
10991 | Apple | sweidentha | 03/07/04 | 16x23x2 f | 774 | |
14071 | Seedling | redhead64 | 15/11/04 | 20x15x2 f | 4.228 | |
14467 | Thorn Tree | chantal74 | 25/11/04 | 50x50x2 f | 55.504 | |
15909 | Cactus | BenMiff | 11/01/05 | 30x45x2 f | 456.276 | |
16259 | Tulip | anna26 | 20/01/05 | 15x35x2 f | 8.033 | |
17046 | Apricot | TNT | 09/02/05 | 48x50x2 f | 122.222 | |
17642 | Flowers | TNT | 20/02/05 | 35x28x2 f | 8.854 | |
18056 | Oak Tree | alibaba | 25/02/05 | 38x39x2 f | 40.711 | |
18763 | Branch | alibaba | 05/03/05 | 40x30x2 f | 40.638 | |
21480 | Flower | JESlovesIVO | 30/04/05 | 44x45x2 f | 31.859 | |
21481 | Flower | JESlovesIVO | 30/04/05 | 44x24x2 f | 104.606 | |
21769 | Fungus | elimaor | 05/05/05 | 25x25x2 f | 15.625 | |
22057 | Rose | 0--justmii--0 | 10/05/05 | 15x20x2 f | 1.405 | |
22197 | Watermelon | elimaor | 14/05/05 | 40x20x2 f | 11.176 | |
23362 | Flower | twoznia | 22/06/05 | 20x20x2 f | 14.059 | |
23466 | Rose | wildclover | 24/06/05 | 30x20x2 f | 5.248 | |
23725 | Rosebud | solo222 | 01/07/05 | 10x10x2 f | 84 | |
23764 | Flower | solo222 | 05/07/05 | 10x10x2 f | 100 | |
24220 | Simple Flower | nulka | 18/07/05 | 20x20x2 f | 1.271 | |
24310 | Rose | twoznia | 20/07/05 | 20x20x2 f | 11.163 | |
24314 | Tree | gobelin | 20/07/05 | 25x25x2 f | 3.572 | |
25817 | Simple Flower | twoznia | 30/08/05 | 10x15x2 f | 1.050 | |
26209 | Cherries | mistrq | 30/09/05 | 20x30x2 f | 33.278 | |
28351 | Simple Flower | dramaqueen | 28/11/05 | 15x15x2 f | 759 | |
28570 | Apple | MissBlack | 04/12/05 | 32x32x2 f | 3.066 | |
30057 | Rose | hero692ttr | 18/01/06 | 27x26x2 f | 46.342 | |
31932 | Fruits | rapa100 | 19/03/06 | 35x35x2 f | 28.852 | |
33089 | Black and White | elimaor | 30/04/06 | 50x45x2 f | 192.833 | |
35188 | Cactus | zuzzzi | 28/06/06 | 13x12x2 f | 1.016 | |
37265 | Flower | maviderya | 23/08/06 | 20x20x2 f | 4.989 | |
39451 | Pinecone | Lupos | 01/11/06 | 25x45x2 f | 29.335 | |
40510 | Flower | mustafademirbas | 05/12/06 | 15x15x2 f | 755 |