Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Theme Towards the Future - Black and White
Pages:48Puzzles: 54
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
774 | AT | woa | 26/07/02 | 25x25x2 f | 14.002 | |
1659 | Ampersand | woa | 03/10/02 | 30x30x2 f | 13.055 | |
1985 | Backup Tape | zandy | 21/10/02 | 32x23x2 f | 17.177 | |
2631 | Windmill | rehak | 19/12/02 | 30x40x2 f | 60.072 | |
3235 | Choose a Number, Please | JardaV | 05/02/03 | 25x50x2 f | 56.203 | |
6572 | Phone | Jaanannu | 21/11/03 | 20x15x2 f | 11.186 | |
7104 | Telephone | Martas | 03/01/04 | 20x20x2 f | 3.173 | |
7676 | Music on the Road | halbehuitema | 11/02/04 | 30x30x2 f | 27.297 | |
9432 | Long Time Ago Or? | batseba | 25/04/04 | 25x25x2 t | 19.780 | |
10802 | Uphill Battle | booglemonster | 22/06/04 | 37x50x2 f | 247.220 | |
11187 | Old Typewriter | shula | 15/07/04 | 32x24x2 f | 8.247 | |
15441 | Start Menu Key | BenMiff | 29/12/04 | 45x40x2 f | 134.623 | |
16302 | Mill | Oskar | 23/01/05 | 20x30x2 f | 10.838 | |
16385 | Calculator | BenMiff | 26/01/05 | 35x45x2 f | 39.700 | |
18325 | Cellphone | ireneh | 27/02/05 | 7x12x2 f | 79 | |
19205 | Remote Control | grahamfan | 15/03/05 | 15x26x2 f | 8.194 | |
20498 | Dish | TNT | 08/04/05 | 50x50x2 f | 1.562.610 | |
20515 | Telegraph | TNT | 08/04/05 | 50x18x2 f | 5.618 | |
21353 | Shouting | elimaor | 26/04/05 | 50x30x2 f | 145.939 | |
21437 | Ring | bepklep | 28/04/05 | 31x26x2 f | 14.215 | |
21805 | Megaphone | elimaor | 06/05/05 | 35x35x2 f | 151.224 | |
23895 | Radio | twoznia | 08/07/05 | 20x20x2 f | 8.769 | |
24628 | Microphone | nulka | 28/07/05 | 8x20x2 f | 35 | |
25313 | Windmill | twoznia | 16/08/05 | 30x30x2 f | 65.195 | |
25357 | Computer Mouse | twoznia | 18/08/05 | 20x20x2 f | 10.972 | |
26003 | Office Phone | twoznia | 21/09/05 | 40x35x2 f | 40.817 | |
26108 | Diskette | matre | 24/09/05 | 24x23x2 f | 509 | |
26521 | Telephone | ewat | 10/10/05 | 17x14x2 t | 147 | |
27241 | Old Phone | Hellas | 23/10/05 | 48x45x2 f | 78.861 | |
28139 | Disk | twoznia | 21/11/05 | 40x40x2 f | 95.906 | |
28293 | Tower of Power | ezzumsss | 26/11/05 | 25x40x2 f | 36.978 | |
28413 | Keyboard | hayrett | 30/11/05 | 35x20x2 t | 3.355 | |
28414 | Mouse | hayrett | 30/11/05 | 13x20x2 t | 2.705 | |
28416 | Diskette | hayrett | 30/11/05 | 20x20x2 t | 1.712 | |
30303 | Calculator | op1 | 28/01/06 | 23x30x2 f | 2.269 | |
30348 | Bullhorn | op1 | 29/01/06 | 25x22x2 f | 1.355 | |
30446 | iPod | fordmstng86 | 02/02/06 | 20x20x2 f | 1.385 | |
30984 | Cell Phone | tammy11 | 19/02/06 | 10x20x2 t | 497 | |
31981 | Simple TV | eduardo | 21/03/06 | 15x18x2 t | 3.595 | |
32508 | Keyboard | justinxnitsuj | 13/04/06 | 31x25x2 f | 8.363 | |
32915 | Computer | cilwus | 25/04/06 | 26x19x2 f | 2.002 | |
33213 | PC | cpt | 04/05/06 | 46x31x2 t | 90.166 | |
33224 | 9V Battery | Marlz | 04/05/06 | 20x10x2 f | 351 | |
35157 | Computer | zuzzzi | 27/06/06 | 10x10x2 f | 129 | |
36618 | iPod | unhygenix | 06/08/06 | 10x16x2 f | 205 | |
38176 | Video | hibrahimozer | 19/09/06 | 38x39x2 f | 15.644 | |
38202 | Calculator | marlonbraga | 20/09/06 | 10x15x2 f | 147 | |
38808 | Calculator | grease555 | 11/10/06 | 19x23x2 f | 3.010 | |
39406 | Windmill | Lupos | 30/10/06 | 15x25x2 f | 3.815 | |
40482 | Diskette | justinxnitsuj | 04/12/06 | 30x30x2 f | 430 | |
41608 | Hubble | xiayu | 15/01/07 | 45x40x2 f | 1.513.604 | |
41699 | Planetarium | xiayu | 18/01/07 | 45x40x2 f | 1.743.080 | |
43379 | Time and Date | op1 | 07/03/07 | 31x30x2 f | 20.939 | |
43494 | Nut Bolt | op1 | 11/03/07 | 50x50x2 f | 1.218.542 |