Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Standard - Color, Vol. 3
Pages:54Puzzles: 65
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ID | Descrizione | Autore | Data | Dimensione | Punti | Risolto |
1101 | Snail | jule | 22/08/02 | 16x10x3 f | 342 | |
4442 | Truck | 1991 | 14/05/03 | 30x20x3 f | 8.907 | |
8203 | Baby Penguin | wiggles | 05/03/04 | 23x25x3 f | 1.983 | |
28149 | Scottie | rose1111 | 21/11/05 | 26x22x3 f | 950 | |
36112 | Cookie | Nicky | 26/07/06 | 13x11x4 f | 235 | |
36420 | Dog | Nicky | 31/07/06 | 14x11x5 f | 210 | |
37416 | Guitar | hibrahimozer | 03/09/06 | 26x26x5 f | 23.567 | |
38291 | Winter Bear | Miepf | 22/09/06 | 17x20x4 f | 970 | |
38655 | Birdie | Nicky | 05/10/06 | 12x10x5 f | 157 | |
38975 | Birdie | Nicky | 16/10/06 | 20x16x5 f | 1.276 | |
40479 | Starfish | Nicky | 04/12/06 | 14x14x4 f | 1.743 | |
44269 | Simple Butterfly | Nicky | 03/04/07 | 11x11x5 f | 364 | |
45761 | Motorcycle | kackarz | 14/05/07 | 17x10x4 f | 979 | |
46032 | You're Lucky! | Nicky | 21/05/07 | 21x17x4 f | 457 | |
46518 | Giraffe | gemini | 03/06/07 | 20x30x3 f | 7.592 | |
51471 | Rubber Ducky | BlackWolf | 09/10/07 | 10x8x5 f | 71 | |
51500 | Baby Bib | fb16 | 10/10/07 | 17x21x4 f | 4.480 | |
57733 | Ladybird | ondryk | 03/02/08 | 14x14x4 f | 707 | |
59454 | Coffee Grinder | meszi | 10/03/08 | 23x25x4 f | 4.310 | |
77536 | Lipstick | lilyania | 21/03/09 | 16x21x4 f | 625 | |
95159 | Golden Teapot | boubaque | 13/06/10 | 25x25x5 f | 17.296 | |
97489 | Tiny Owl | clake3879 | 14/08/10 | 11x10x4 t | 239 | |
103105 | Cherry Blossom Tree | Telula | 27/12/10 | 25x25x5 f | 18.395 | |
109200 | Little Mouse | runswithcats | 15/05/11 | 10x5x4 f | 32 | |
112337 | Cake | viilma | 30/07/11 | 18x15x5 f | 1.473 | |
122275 | Octopus | farfalla19 | 28/04/12 | 11x14x4 f | 323 | |
125497 | Train | Jasomslovak | 22/07/12 | 30x25x3 f | 14.463 | |
127790 | Small Squirrel | Nicky | 09/09/12 | 14x14x5 f | 1.235 | |
129307 | Umbrella | Nicky | 28/10/12 | 23x25x5 f | 440 | |
130447 | Mini Chick in a Disco Club | Nicky | 15/12/12 | 11x12x5 f | 138 | |
132091 | Electric Guitar | Nicky | 07/02/13 | 25x10x4 f | 772 | |
132941 | Miniature Teddy | Nicky | 24/02/13 | 9x12x4 f | 576 | |
134652 | Duck | flores | 28/04/13 | 5x5x4 f | 4 | |
137080 | Teddy | zjmonty | 31/07/13 | 17x21x5 f | 5.606 | |
139412 | Red Fish | Nicky | 07/12/13 | 12x9x4 f | 281 | |
140495 | Pastel Fish | Nicky | 18/01/14 | 20x10x5 f | 1.033 | |
142711 | Heart | danusia03 | 31/05/14 | 13x10x3 f | 60 | |
144190 | Fish | Nicky | 04/08/14 | 30x25x4 f | 10.231 | |
149137 | Can | Nicky | 10/01/15 | 18x19x4 f | 3.086 | |
149761 | Giraffe Doll | farfalla19 | 23/01/15 | 11x14x5 f | 583 | |
150871 | Penguin | Nicky | 14/02/15 | 7x5x4 f | 35 | |
152929 | Rose Bud | evengroen | 23/03/15 | 20x30x4 f | 4.692 | |
162294 | Ship | AshBenjoZone | 12/09/15 | 10x10x5 f | 174 | |
166594 | Drawers | painter100 | 23/11/15 | 10x10x5 f | 106 | |
166596 | Huge Weight | painter100 | 23/11/15 | 15x10x4 f | 92 | |
167849 | Christmas Tree | wren360 | 11/12/15 | 10x10x5 f | 93 | |
168181 | Moto GP Driver | nibro6 | 20/12/15 | 14x11x4 t | 911 | |
168315 | Bat | painter100 | 22/12/15 | 15x10x4 f | 413 | |
172261 | Geometry | replica | 03/03/16 | 12x12x5 f | 498 | |
172546 | Guinea Pig | meszi | 13/03/16 | 24x23x4 f | 9.080 | |
174014 | Here Comes a Baby | meszi | 18/04/16 | 25x20x4 f | 13.044 | |
175136 | Working Room | meszi | 24/05/16 | 30x20x5 f | 5.403 | |
176642 | Puss in Boots | meszi | 13/07/16 | 20x30x5 f | 7.382 | |
176984 | Turtle | op1 | 30/07/16 | 8x5x5 f | 97 | |
176985 | Clown | meszi | 30/07/16 | 10x10x5 f | 219 | |
177117 | Be Careful! | meszi | 01/08/16 | 25x10x3 f | 5.359 | |
177130 | Strawberry | meszi | 06/08/16 | 10x10x4 f | 300 | |
177132 | Penguin | op1 | 06/08/16 | 12x10x3 f | 439 | |
177504 | Yellow Flower in the Vase | meszi | 13/08/16 | 10x10x4 f | 150 | |
177508 | Lion | meszi | 13/08/16 | 15x15x4 f | 768 | |
177670 | Scooter | meszi | 20/08/16 | 21x16x5 f | 2.635 | |
178519 | Writing | meszi | 24/09/16 | 20x20x5 f | 6.418 | |
178733 | Knight | meszi | 01/10/16 | 12x12x3 f | 452 | |
178959 | Chick | meszi | 08/10/16 | 10x10x4 f | 56 | |
178968 | Hoover | meszi | 08/10/16 | 20x17x5 f | 2.067 | |
179012 | Skateboard | op1 | 15/10/16 | 20x10x5 f | 168 | |
182525 | Half an Apple | meszi | 01/03/17 | 13x13x5 f | 999 | |
182530 | Tree | piesiu | 01/03/17 | 6x9x3 f | 0 | |
182627 | Toxic Mushroom | meszi | 11/03/17 | 15x15x5 f | 995 | |
183010 | Cherry | meszi | 25/03/17 | 15x15x5 f | 1.000 | |
183181 | Good Night! | meszi | 01/04/17 | 20x15x5 f | 1.620 | |
183609 | Bird | meszi | 22/04/17 | 20x16x4 f | 1.672 | |
183654 | Beetle | meszi | 29/04/17 | 10x10x4 f | 210 | |
183880 | Squirrel | meszi | 06/05/17 | 11x12x5 f | 299 | |
183999 | Vavy Buggy | meszi | 13/05/17 | 10x10x3 f | 156 | |
184000 | Chess Piece - Pawn | meszi | 13/05/17 | 10x11x3 f | 330 | |
184341 | Baby Dino | op1 | 03/06/17 | 12x11x5 f | 268 | |
184347 | Celtic | meszi | 03/06/17 | 15x15x4 f | 2.015 |