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Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 39

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ID Description Author Date Size Points Solved
9486 The Great Tree AUTENTICARSE 4/28/04 50x50x2 f 840,290
9781 Locomotive maristone 5/10/04 50x50x2 f 286,337
41246 Street yahoo 1/7/07 50x40x2 t 325,298
70305 Dark Lion Rumiko 10/6/08 30x40x2 f 140,325
92638 America litalia 4/11/10 40x50x2 f 19,297
113706 In the Lions' Den smallstuff 9/5/11 50x40x2 f 158,895
122505 Superman smallstuff 5/3/12 40x50x2 f 1,617,263
129931 SOS tiramizu 11/18/12 50x50x2 f 247,160
129932 No Way Out tiramizu 11/18/12 50x50x2 f 214,901
131176 Platypus Feeding Among the Weeds jock 1/24/13 50x35x2 f 770,967
131274 Art Centre, Hackney Rainbow15 1/27/13 50x50x2 f 1,032,532
131475 Continents Where Platypuses aren't Native - Europe jock 1/29/13 50x50x2 f 567,662
132175 First Dance in Platypus Land jock 2/10/13 45x50x2 f 862,647
132180 Second Dance in Platypus Land jock 2/10/13 35x50x2 f 188,119
133340 Bakeitzogie (The Yellow Coyote) Called Dutchy smallstuff 3/7/13 50x50x2 f 69,603
133385 Chief Running Antelope of Little Big Horn Fame smallstuff 3/10/13 50x50x2 f 275,700
133730 The Saddest Little Zombies smallstuff 3/20/13 50x40x2 f 118,811
134040 Second Butterfly in Platypus Land jock 3/31/13 50x40x2 f 187,324
134101 Fourth Butterfly in Platypus Land jock 4/2/13 30x50x2 f 130,465
134545 Seventh Tree in Platypus Land jock 4/18/13 50x50x2 f 226,346
134832 Torus jock 5/9/13 50x50x2 f 2,556,715
136691 City Museum, Winchester, UK Rainbow15 7/7/13 44x50x2 f 145,500
137319 Mangus Or His Famous Father Chief Mangas Coloradas smallstuff 8/11/13 50x50x2 f 1,607,279
137663 Crow Eyes, aka Caw-Caw-Ke-Reek, Pawnee, 1868 smallstuff 8/29/13 50x50x2 f 121,216
138015 Sometimes She Feels So Sad smallstuff 9/15/13 50x50x2 f 126,778
140768 The Dummy smallstuff 1/26/14 50x50x2 f 416,184
140901 Frank Sinatra kevikna 2/2/14 48x50x2 f 199,404
142323 Look Into My Eyes nirossss 4/30/14 40x40x2 f 180,192
143768 Former Insane Asylum, New England Rainbow15 7/13/14 50x50x2 f 1,316,374
145717 Zebra Toy madziasek 10/22/14 25x45x2 f 137,181
145758 Simple Flower debwegner 10/23/14 50x50x2 f 126,148
146117 Mushrooms bepklep 11/2/14 50x50x2 f 45,757
146349 Bench yeu 11/6/14 50x45x2 f 154,834
148264 Gateway Arch, St. Louis vtipkarjope 12/18/14 50x50x2 f 615,325
149281 Pineapple painter_100 1/12/15 35x45x2 f 1,029,446
149338 Flowerpot painter100 1/13/15 40x45x2 f 201,528
149385 Did the Rain Stopped? painter100 1/14/15 45x30x2 f 162,093
149591 Stormy Seas debwegner 1/19/15 50x50x2 f 817,112
149820 RoboCop painter100 1/26/15 35x50x2 f 48,097
152513 Biathlete roodar 3/17/15 65x65x2 f 1,103,644
154877 Wild Flower mustafademirbas 4/26/15 50x50x2 f 69,541
157313 Owl on a Branch bingo7 6/10/15 50x39x2 f 251,847
171322 Maude Frickert goofus 2/8/16 50x45x2 f 203,452
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