I really like all of your puzzles.. And I never vote zero to anyone.. even those which are not any challenge for me, are worth more than zero, someone put a lot of work in it, and I do respect that
Posted on 11/5/12 7:42 AM

Hmm. It's good, and it certainly doesn't deserve those zeroes, however, something about the shadow in the lower right doesn't sit with me. As an aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your Futurama puzzles.
Posted on 1/9/12 5:20 AM

When I solved this I felt it too be a little bit of a fill-in even though I placed the background black among portions of the puzzle so it wouldn't be. I have solved other more fill-in type puzzles which get high votes, which befuddles me as they are extremely less challenging and usually have a dull picture. The whole purpose of the shadow was to convey that he's lurking there as he is a bounty hunter. Anyway, I do appreciate your sentiments regarding my Futurama puzzles.
Posted on 1/9/12 11:49 PM as reply to jmoyer01

This puzzle received three zeroes soon after publication and has never been above 70%. I created two other drafts of this puzzle before really refining and submitting this one. I'll never understand the cruelty of some people.
Posted on 12/31/11 1:09 AM