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The Animal Kingdom: Birds: Birds of Prey: Owls

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Result: 40 of 40
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
9357 Owl ANA_LILI 5/1/11 (15+35)x(21+25)x6 10,772 81.62% 00:37:36
9354 B&W Owl ANA_LILI 5/1/11 (15+35)x(21+25)x2 99,213 81.90% 00:29:56
9117 Owl ccapinna 2/9/11 (1+5)x(5+5)x6 43 60.36% 00:00:47
7834 Nocturnal zjmonty 4/10/10 (10+10)x(10+10)x5 864 83.70% 00:09:33
7641 Into the Night zjmonty 1/7/10 (20+20)x(20+20)x3 2,219 90.52% 00:29:54
6608 Owl galocha2003 4/20/09 (15+35)x(18+27)x2 99,149 74.28% 00:30:29
4805 Owl Shifter 12/17/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 22,315 60.46% 02:21:46
4488 Barn Owl koko 9/25/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 304,808 86.28% 02:00:46
4328 Owl GICaesar 8/20/07 (20+25)x(29+9)x2 32,825 74.34% 00:30:56
4044 Owl Symbol GICaesar 5/20/07 (36+6)x(6+33)x2 2,312 69.91% 00:23:18
3785 Snowyowl koko 2/25/07 (14+36)x(21+20)x2 108,788 78.57% 00:28:38
2459 Owl koko 5/24/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x8 73,751 89.49% 03:35:04
2246 Old and Wise Amoebe 3/9/06 (19+10)x(10+14)x5 1,235 81.49% 00:27:27
2095 Owl amsterdam 1/28/06 (11+25)x(34+15)x2 91,453 79.02% 00:25:10
1395 Owl Heiti 5/16/05 (5+5)x(5+5)x5 223 48.36% 00:01:54
943 Owl Lui 1/5/05 (10+10)x(32+10)x6 1,789 89.72% 00:49:27
902 It Comes at Night douglas_itoh 12/24/04 (23+16)x(16+12)x5 1,673 81.93% 00:25:29
425 The Preacher just_tami 4/21/04 (15+15)x(15+15)x2 13,076 80.20% 00:34:13
313 Owl JynxsMom 2/8/04 (2+5)x(5+4)x5 101 55.92% 00:02:50
21 Athena's Bird talanimal 6/22/03 (9+11)x(9+12)x2 3,443 70.00% 00:12:45
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Result: 40 of 40