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Page no. of 273
Result: 5440 of 5440
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
1 Chinese Ra100 5/13/03 (2+2)x(2+2)x2 39 38.02% 00:00:35
6 Samurai Ra100 5/29/03 (5+5)x(5+5)x2 556 35.35% 00:04:03
7 Aladdin's Lamp Ra100 5/29/03 (4+3)x(4+3)x2 94 44.54% 00:01:39
10 Sound TNT 5/29/03 (5+3)x(6+2)x2 318 53.22% 00:02:17
18 Horse cruinne 6/21/03 (6+9)x(12+6)x2 1,783 49.42% 00:05:59
19 Zoom into Music cruinne 6/21/03 (9+7)x(7+8)x2 3,250 45.64% 00:08:42
21 Athena's Bird talanimal 6/22/03 (9+11)x(9+12)x2 3,443 69.98% 00:12:45
22 Woodwork Challenge jer 6/23/03 (4+15)x(15+4)x2 352 70.22% 00:02:58
36 Woodwork Exercise jer 6/25/03 (12+17)x(4+15)x2 1,350 63.72% 00:03:49
54 Women in Black wersha 7/1/03 (12+8)x(8+10)x2 1,059 56.86% 00:10:08
56 Refresh janndvorakk 7/3/03 (4+4)x(4+4)x2 482 53.96% 00:02:53
58 Nightwatcher jer 7/4/03 (12+10)x(12+0)x2 441 58.21% 00:06:37
61 Close Encounter jer 7/4/03 (18+6)x(6+4)x2 486 53.16% 00:04:48
62 Recycle jer 7/4/03 (10+15)x(15+10)x2 3,516 71.60% 00:11:04
71 Car sandrijntje 7/8/03 (6+6)x(6+6)x2 204 41.97% 00:01:31
72 Bike sandrijntje 7/8/03 (7+6)x(6+3)x2 376 44.15% 00:03:00
85 Spider cf12 7/16/03 (10+10)x(10+10)x2 4,543 47.50% 00:10:47
98 Elephant talanimal 7/21/03 (9+8)x(9+7)x2 1,814 73.95% 00:06:16
112 Green Leaf talanimal 7/25/03 (2+5)x(6+4)x2 173 63.35% 00:02:15
113 Triangle Illusion TNT 7/27/03 (3+15)x(15+3)x2 458 69.15% 00:02:38
Puzzles per page
Page no. of 273
Result: 5440 of 5440