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Historie og Regering: Heraldik og Medaljer

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Side nr. af 25
Resultat: 480 af 480
ID Beskrivelse Skaber Dato Størrelse Point Popularitet Gennemsnitstid Løst
16567 Shield hertseltsur 22-10-23 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 635.423 80,56% 00:35:52
14610 Medal of Honor hertseltsur 30-01-17 (23+23)x(21+29)x2 65.519 84,48% 00:39:31
14171 Albania Coat of Arms hertseltsur 10-08-16 (30+15)x(15+27)x2 9.609 85,87% 00:47:24
14133 Heraldic Lion hertseltsur 31-07-16 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 219.722 89,77% 01:10:25
13650 Coat of Arms Portugal ANA_LILI 02-09-15 (33+17)x(17+23)x6 18.324 85,53% 01:35:52
12975 Amedspor bedirhan 03-11-14 (22+17)x(18+26)x4 1.426 78,51% 00:25:10
12959 Wappen Birsfelden cekpompiere 28-10-14 (26+13)x(13+24)x4 3.921 72,53% 00:10:04
12957 Jonen Wappen cekpompiere 28-10-14 (26+11)x(11+23)x4 8.290 79,12% 00:12:41
12956 Escholzmatt Wappen cekpompiere 28-10-14 (25+12)x(12+21)x5 9.880 70,94% 00:10:56
12213 Lion Craft hertseltsur 18-08-13 (29+21)x(21+24)x2 438.377 68,82% 00:17:25
11890 The Coat of Arms for House Targaryen hentron 08-04-13 (22+25)x(24+24)x4 12.498 90,86% 01:06:37
11430 Coat of Arms - Sao Tome and Principe ANA_LILI 24-10-12 (32+17)x(18+18)x8 8.614 78,50% 01:33:16
11063 Coat of Arms - Brasil ANA_LILI 06-06-12 (22+27)x(26+22)x5 2.609 81,88% 01:34:42
10939 Coat of Arms - Angola ANA_LILI 24-04-12 (18+29)x(28+22)x8 4.971 77,94% 01:05:55
10910 Coat of Arms - Guine Bissau ANA_LILI 17-04-12 (24+25)x(25+22)x5 18.251 82,22% 01:39:21
10758 Arms anilineco 27-02-12 (25+23)x(24+20)x2 92.262 88,40% 01:04:05
10586 Scottish Tartan Society ttmm 19-01-12 (28+19)x(19+28)x5 23.860 72,78% 00:31:21
10309 Island Ameland, Netherlands StephanR 23-11-11 (17+15)x(15+18)x5 1.732 75,00% 00:15:37
10301 North Rhine Westphalia, Germany StephanR 23-11-11 (28+17)x(16+17)x4 13.139 67,16% 00:17:26
10057 Fleur de Lis jadespade 18-09-11 (8+16)x(16+20)x4 2.666 78,68% 00:11:53
Puslespil pr. side
Side nr. af 25
Resultat: 480 af 480