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Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17052 de 17052
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
5484 Stile knocka 30/04/08 (6+12)x(11+13)x6 401 61,67% 00:08:27
5483 Helicopter knocka 30/04/08 (7+7)x(19+7)x5 932 62,63% 00:08:19
5482 Offering Bowl of Food knocka 29/04/08 (5+1)x(3+2)x5 49 49,24% 00:00:56
5481 Hammock knocka 29/04/08 (16+4)x(6+6)x4 311 60,36% 00:05:40
5480 Bishop and Pawns knocka 29/04/08 (4+15)x(15+9)x4 818 64,60% 00:08:19
5479 Guess What I've Got in My Hands...? Curious 29/04/08 (22+23)x(20+25)x5 3.199 78,20% 00:46:18
5478 Mary Had a Little Lamb damkier 29/04/08 (20+20)x(20+20)x8 7.014 65,00% 01:19:52
5477 Simplicity lilyania 29/04/08 (20+20)x(20+20)x5 9.728 81,91% 00:33:33
5476 Still Growing Curious 29/04/08 (25+14)x(22+27)x3 20.798 76,96% 00:53:28
5475 Koala Teddy damkier 29/04/08 (16+15)x(15+15)x3 39.264 48,04% 01:17:38
5474 Stocks knocka 28/04/08 (1+14)x(14+14)x6 391 55,07% 00:06:19
5473 Goal! galocha2003 28/04/08 (33+17)x(17+15)x2 19.692 40,76% 00:18:18
5472 Colored Pencils galocha2003 28/04/08 (24+20)x(20+24)x8 47.555 51,84% 00:33:32
5471 Inside a Cube knocka 27/04/08 (5+5)x(5+5)x5 138 66,94% 00:03:30
5470 Dice knocka 27/04/08 (16+8)x(7+8)x7 259 74,44% 00:04:52
5469 The Cupboard was Bare knocka 27/04/08 (11+8)x(9+9)x5 332 64,41% 00:03:11
5468 Acorn knocka 27/04/08 (10+11)x(9+10)x5 481 66,29% 00:05:53
5467 Escher Type Star alexoharared 27/04/08 (15+15)x(15+15)x7 600 81,70% 00:08:19
5466 Maze alexoharared 27/04/08 (16+14)x(4+21)x5 808 81,08% 00:33:31
5465 Face yov 27/04/08 (16+23)x(23+18)x2 13.781 43,84% 00:18:47
Puzles por página
Página nº de 853
Resultado: 17052 de 17052