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Resultado: 19 de 19
ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Popularidad Tiempo de Media Resuelto
15499 Wolverine Caricature hertseltsur 26/06/19 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 429.977 83,93% 01:08:43
15021 Rncewind - Discworld vorash00 30/07/18 (4+12)x(11+9)x6 528 64,64% 00:07:02
15020 Death - Discworld vorash00 30/07/18 (1+26)x(27+21)x6 741 76,27% 00:16:47
13834 Batman Meets Superman kayton 28/03/16 (25+17)x(17+4)x3 330 77,88% 00:09:36
12558 Borboletinha for Aribanita ANA_LILI 9/01/14 (25+25)x(25+25)x7 6.493 83,54% 00:46:50
11943 Witch: Irma agadir 21/04/13 (13+15)x(14+13)x8 481 75,00% 00:18:28
11935 Idefix (Dogmatix) bassibaer 21/04/13 (20+26)x(25+25)x3 64.374 86,29% 00:54:05
11357 Boondock Huey ANA_LILI 24/09/12 (21+29)x(17+32)x2 13.131 73,56% 00:48:24
10660 Derpina Magu 2/02/12 (10+11)x(11+9)x4 1.382 60,24% 00:10:36
9558 Cartoons mariamnur 8/06/11 (32+18)x(18+18)x2 2.723 63,97% 00:35:24
9240 No Evil Shall Escape My Sight oi0Harlequin0io 28/03/11 (10+10)x(10+10)x4 643 57,14% 00:07:06
8793 Pon & Zi kickassgal 3/11/10 (31+13)x(13+11)x7 2.560 72,08% 00:24:08
7524 The Infinity Gauntlet cosmictrombonis 29/11/09 (20+27)x(24+18)x8 17.086 64,13% 01:17:15
5369 Nick Knatterton elina111 7/04/08 (17+18)x(18+17)x6 755 81,33% 00:20:26
2858 Yoko Tsuno amsterdam 7/09/06 (16+19)x(30+19)x2 118.066 79,65% 00:31:25
2425 Musti st3phani3 8/05/06 (25+25)x(25+25)x5 4.673 72,98% 00:45:41
1149 Ferdo the Ant myvalice 25/02/05 (14+15)x(13+12)x3 3.780 46,70% 00:18:23
798 Cartooned Animal Face douglas_itoh 9/11/04 (11+14)x(15+17)x4 1.766 57,20% 00:19:45
609 Ferdo the Ant Ra100 2/07/04 (4+25)x(16+21)x2 16.285 68,92% 00:12:12
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Resultado: 19 de 19