Personal Profile :


This user has solved 49,894 Griddlers and has scored 18,398,385,903 points.
This user has solved 361 Triddlers and has scored 283,303 points.
This user has solved 114 Number Logic Puzzles and has scored 1,217 points.
This user has solved 11 Word Search Puzzles and has scored 1,888 points.
This user has created 1 Griddlers that score 152,234 points.
This user has created 2 Triddlers that score 1,736 points.


 G-Match - World Score:
This user won place no. 78 in tournament 3.
This user won place no. 85 in tournament 2.
This user won place no. 37 in tournament 1.

 United States G-Match - Country Score:
This user won place no. 121 in tournament 30.
This user won place no. 80 in tournament 29.