Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Standard - Black and White, Vol. 13

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ID Descrizione Autore Data Dimensione Punti Risolto
2567 Lighthouse SmilingSun 10/12/02 50x40x2 f 22.296
3310 Sportsman tono 14/02/03 20x25x2 f 1.380
3396 George Washington tono 27/02/03 25x25x2 f 29.768
3477 Japanese Woman tono 10/03/03 20x25x2 f 2.513
3479 Horse tono 10/03/03 30x25x2 f 6.687
5139 Sailboat tono 26/06/03 30x25x2 f 5.306
5525 Sewing Machine tono 30/07/03 25x20x2 f 1.816
6361 Final Landing jer 25/10/03 50x25x2 f 11.188
7621 Train Ra100 08/02/04 50x15x2 f 18.383
14714 Night Heron booglemonster 03/12/04 40x50x2 f 35.136
22681 Man Silhouette elimaor 29/05/05 20x50x2 f 16.245
23579 Weight twoznia 28/06/05 20x20x2 f 10.151
24490 Carriage twoznia 24/07/05 20x20x2 f 6.013
24813 Laptop twoznia 02/08/05 20x20x2 f 2.347
25276 Camera twoznia 14/08/05 20x20x2 f 328
25320 Climber twoznia 16/08/05 10x15x2 f 513
26102 Eyes cilwus 24/09/05 50x20x2 f 6.874
29052 Minimalism: Plus Minus twoznia 20/12/05 5x5x2 f 2
29579 City hero692ttr 05/01/06 50x15x2 f 3.349
31500 Minimalism: I Want to Play the Piano kissyrich 08/03/06 5x5x2 f 5
31934 Peacock rapa100 19/03/06 35x30x2 f 8.730
31940 Butterfly twoznia 19/03/06 10x10x2 f 89
32878 Teatime fftjekke 24/04/06 20x20x2 f 2.484
33234 Minimalism: Negotiation Ne_Plus_Ultra 05/05/06 5x5x2 f 9
33531 Minimalism: Shoe twoznia 14/05/06 5x5x2 f 1
33631 Minimalism: Shooting Ne_Plus_Ultra 17/05/06 5x5x2 f 8
33660 Minimalism: Shopping Cart Ne_Plus_Ultra 19/05/06 5x5x2 f 17
33690 Minimalism: Bed Ne_Plus_Ultra 20/05/06 5x5x2 f 2
33847 Minimalism: Mailbox Ne_Plus_Ultra 25/05/06 5x5x2 f 3
34215 Minimalism: Marriage Proposal Ne_Plus_Ultra 03/06/06 5x5x2 f 7
34386 Minimalism: Butterfly twoznia 10/06/06 5x5x2 f 22
34581 Minimalism: Football Ne_Plus_Ultra 12/06/06 5x5x2 f 6
34767 Minimalism: Front Lights of a Car twoznia 18/06/06 5x5x2 f 6
35427 Guitarist tbelladona 05/07/06 35x45x2 f 38.351
39019 Eat Your Veggies Glucklich 17/10/06 40x20x2 f 11.978
41074 Symbiosis xiayu 31/12/06 30x30x2 f 139.376
41507 Casper cpt 11/01/07 30x40x2 f 5.555
42073 Bicycle Rianne1992 29/01/07 20x15x2 f 3.568
44341 Aquarium inro 05/04/07 30x30x2 f 67.799
44473 Knight starch 10/04/07 25x32x2 f 6.588
44676 Bear griddish 15/04/07 10x10x2 f 304
44720 Baby freespirit 16/04/07 50x40x2 f 9.908
45514 Dolphin solo222 08/05/07 15x15x2 f 833
45518 Tree solo222 08/05/07 10x10x2 f 18
45558 Hearts ebrulikedi 09/05/07 30x30x2 f 17.032
45717 Kid solo222 13/05/07 10x10x2 f 211
45769 Elephant solo222 14/05/07 10x10x2 f 47
45887 Deer starch 17/05/07 40x45x2 f 41.186
46252 Cactus xiayu 24/05/07 15x15x2 f 2.564
46529 Kettle solo222 03/06/07 15x15x2 f 115
47095 Rose abrek 13/06/07 30x25x2 f 17.075
47774 Judo Joopie 02/07/07 45x35x2 f 100.762
47804 Rooster solo222 02/07/07 15x15x2 f 1.025
47919 Harp solo222 05/07/07 15x20x2 f 609
47928 Motorbike abrek 06/07/07 30x15x2 f 2.777
48285 Flowers semdem 16/07/07 10x10x2 f 351
48589 Lamp Yankovicfan3125 25/07/07 15x20x2 f 590
49964 Power oko 03/09/07 40x50x2 f 63.273
50995 Mmm... Garlic! oko 30/09/07 35x50x2 f 751.071
51371 What's That Smell? MiriamsTimbrel 08/10/07 35x35x2 f 78.963
51678 Lost: Kate Glucklich 15/10/07 40x45x2 f 23.540
52092 Basilisk tabernak 23/10/07 40x45x2 f 50.449
54918 Balancing Act halbehuitema 09/12/07 20x40x2 f 11.322
56258 Car Terppa 31/12/07 10x10x2 f 205
56722 Parrot solo222 11/01/08 10x15x2 f 677
57666 Duck Ranker100 01/02/08 10x10x2 f 330
57737 Goal! solo222 03/02/08 10x10x2 f 149
58303 Car jiffner13 14/02/08 40x30x2 f 8.913
58911 Tea AriLex 28/02/08 10x10x2 f 540
60077 Ace of Clubs AriLex 19/03/08 25x35x2 f 36.940
61216 Note Danyela506 09/04/08 25x40x2 f 6.213
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