Sunday, August 4, 2013
Griddlers Stars - Level 5

A new level was added to Griddlers Stars - Level 5.

The tasks of Level 5 are:

  • Solve 3 Griddlers that has at least 500,000 points.

  • Solve 3 Triddlers that has at least 20,000 points.

  • Solve the MultiGriddler "What Book is She Reading?"

  • Solve the riddle "What Book is She Reading?"
    Find the 19 letters that are hidden in the image of the Multigriddler and unscramble them to get the title of the book:
    - - - - | - - - | - - - | - - - - - - - - -
    4 words in English, replace | with spaces.

    Need help?
    Look for clues on the table, under it, or out of the window
    Use Google orWikipedia to help you in wording the exact title of the book.
    Use the forum or the message box to consult with users who already solved the riddle.

  • Solve at least 100 NLP puzzles of any type.

  • Solve at least 10 Wordsearch puzzles.

  • Post at least one message in the forum. For example, you can post a message in the thread "All About You" (under the category "Community") and tell us "How you Got your Username" or "The Story Behind your Avatar". You can also post a message in the thread "Get Help in Solving" or "Help Someone in Solving" (under the category "Puzzle World").

New Key
We also added a new key to enable you unlocking a task without solving it. The new key is:

  • Create at least 1 griddler, bigger than a minimalism (5x5 grid of 2 color), or create 1 triddler of any size. The puzzle - griddler or triddler - must be your original drawing, it has to follow the Guidelines and it must be approved by the editorial team.

Go to: Gridders Stars