Tarayıcınızda kurabiyeleri ve JavaScripti etkinleştirmek

Internet Explorer:

Enable Cookies:

Select 'Tools' --> 'Internet Options'.
Click on 'Privacy' tab and choose the 'Medium' setting.

Enable JavaScript:

Select 'Tools' --> 'Internet Options'.
Click on 'Security' tab, select the 'Custom' Level button. Security Settings dialog opens.
Make sure that the reset custom settings are set to 'medium' and hit 'RESET'.
Click 'OK' to close the Security Settings dialog.

Mozilla FireFox/Netscape:

Enable Cookies:

Select 'Edit' --> 'Preferences'.
Click on 'Privacy and Security', select 'Cookies', and highlight the radio button 'Enable all cookies'.

Enable JavaScript:

Select 'Edit' --> 'Preferences'.
Click on 'Advanced', select 'Scripts and Plugins', and check 'Navigator' under 'Enable JavaScript for'.