パーソナルのプロフィール :


This user has solved 1,415 Griddlers and has scored 1,506,661,288 points.
This user has solved 275 Triddlers and has scored 867,632 points.
This user has solved 104 Number Logic Puzzles and has scored 1,778 points.
This user has solved 10 Word Search Puzzles and has scored 752 points.
このユーザが1 のGriddlersを作成して合わせて1,789点を得点した
このユーザが7 のTriddlersを作成して合わせて19,753点を得点した


 Lithuania G-Match - Country Score:
This user won place no. 2 in tournament 18.
This user won place no. 1 in tournament 17.

 Lithuania T-Match - Country Score:
This user won place no. 1 in tournament 7.