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The Animal Kingdom: Farm Life: Turkeys

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Result: 6 of 6
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
14595 Turkey hertseltsur 1/30/17 (22+21)x(27+23)x2 486,986 83.87% 01:02:13
11316 Gobble, Gobble, Gobble MathLogicLady 9/12/12 (25+25)x(25+25)x6 211,253 74.58% 00:47:56
10200 Turkey Pam_C 11/3/11 (19+21)x(13+23)x5 5,747 64.80% 00:25:41
4570 Let's Talk Turkey Bee2u 10/14/07 (14+18)x(13+17)x7 1,030 75.88% 00:22:34
4040 Turkey Symbol GICaesar 5/20/07 (21+26)x(15+30)x2 6,123 77.05% 00:37:23
3874 Turkey koko 3/22/07 (20+27)x(27+23)x4 295,534 87.94% 01:33:05
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Result: 6 of 6